I deleted MSFS2020 from my computer. I’m done

@Crunchmeister71 @hobanagerik @LBPN @timmmie6969

I keep reading the same complaint. Over and over. “The quality of the sim is way worse than at release.”
Please note quality, not performance. There is no doubt that there has been a drop in performance.

As most of us do not have an old version running to make a quantitative assessment of the quality, we are being subjective. We are looking at what is on the screen and have nothing to compare it to except memory. How we felt about the sim at the time has an effect on what we remember.

There is one user that thru some sort of ‘black magic’ has been able to make that quantitative comparison for us. The results are startling. If you take the time to read through this post, you will find that not only has there been no degradation in visual quality, in some cases it has improved. For me, this falls in line with what I see on my screen. Only after one particular update which seemed to change some sharpening effects that caused the clouds to become very pixelated (fixed now) I would say my visuals are at least as good as anything previous.

Please take the time to view the comparisons. I think you will be surprised at how inaccurate our memory is.

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