I have a question, How do you setup multiplayer?

Hi there, I have a question about setting up to fly in Multiplayer? I haven’t flown in Multiplayer before, So I was wondering how I would go about setting it up? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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First you need to go to your General Settings Options. Then under Data. Make sure you have everything set to On, especially the Multiplayer part.

Then, when you start a flight in the World Map, under Flight Conditions, you can choose whether you want Multiplayer Off/Group Only, or All, or Live Multiplayer.

Choosing All will make you visible with other players who also set their multiplayer to All. But when you choose Live multiplayer, you will only see people who has Live Multiplayer selected.

The difference is, on All, you still have full control over the time and day and the weather. But on Live Multiplayer, the Weather and Time is locked, and you will always be in real time, in real live weather.

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Hi there, Thanks for the reply…Can I choose any plane or do I have to fly with the same plane? Sorry for asking a stupid question.

You can choose any plane, and they can choose any plane. Usually, when you have both planes installed, you should see each other’s planes.

For example if you use the A320, and your friend uses the 747. Then you will see them on the 747, and they will see you in the A320. Even liveries work too. If both of you have both liveries installed, you can see each other’s liveries.

But this only works if your Traffic setting in the General Options is set to “Not” use Generic model for multiplayer. If you set this to Yes, then the sim will use a generic model for the multiplayer, so regardless of what aircraft they use, you will see a generic aircraft which may or may not be the same aircraft.

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First you watch this:

Then you watch this:

Mark has some great videos and they’re very easy to follow.


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If you have multiplayer turned on, you’re already using multiplayer. There are really no other features of note outside of being able to set up a closed group with friends and they’ll be the only ones in your instance.

You still need to use some external means of communicating as there’s no way to do it in the sim.


Besides using Discord, Are there any others out there where I need to contact the others in the multiplayer?

Well that only works if the other player is online on discord as well. Me, I play with Live Multiplayer all the time, but I’m not online on any chat or anything, so no one would be able to contact me.

If I’m flying in the A32NX mod, I can contact other pilots flying the A32NX mod as well through the MCDU Free Text message system. I just type in the flight number that they’re flying, and I type the message. They will receive the message in their MCDU, and they can reply the message back to my flight number.

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