I have a question, What does AIRAC mean?

HI there, I was wondering what AIRAC means? I tried googling it but it didn’t explain it very well where I could understand. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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To summarize a long wikipedia article, AIRACs ( Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control) are the navigational data that all aircraft with modern avionics systems use. This includes waypoints, approaches, arrivals, departures, SIDS, STARS, etc. that are changed monthly as necessary to update if a runway is closed for maintenance, or an airport is closed, or a SID/STAR no longer exists, etc., updated by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).


Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control. @Nerbulus explained it in the post above.

deleted. OP has googled AIRAC and doesn’t understand what it means - my apologies

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I get that “just Google it” is a standard response, or posting a thesis-like Wikipedia article, but they already said they Googled it and then I think it’s valid to ask on a forum.

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Excuse me?

LOL, its just a bit of fun!

I dont’t appreciate that comment…

Lol, AIRAC is essentially every 28 days and an aeronautical nav database update

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