I know I know, sacrilege!!! But with over 150 aircraft and variants in my hanger, I have finally hit the spot where I just don’t know what to fly… or where…
Just spend the better part of an hour trying decide on what aircraft I want to pull out of the hanger…
Think I’ll just get a new aircraft… fly that instead!!!
Gotta make a card deck with every aircraft. Don’t know what to fly? Shuffle the deck and draw a card. Or a spinner wheel. Give it a spin and let randomness decide!
And to the haters out there, over 75% of my aircraft are default/freeware from flightsim.to… (I also think asobo’s aircraft list includes ALL liveries as variants.
I have a buddy that is suffering from being a “Haver” too… I call him a Simulated Haver.
He told me that his “Simulated CD’s” were now getting 4.8% and expected to go to 7.4% by fall.
He is rolling in the “Simulated Dough”… Smile
Same reason so many people spend more time deciding what to watch on which streaming service than they spend actually watching. (I’m “so many people” too!)
Here lately, I’ve been sticking with the Turbo Porter from Blackbird, but I also love the Kodiak and the DA62 with the “X” mod. I’d fly the stock TBM a lot more if I could see my copilot beside me in the flight deck.
And how many of them do you actually KNOW how to fly? like… what’s your best climb speed, what’s your best glide speed, what events to do out of memory if the engine strikes, etc?
I made that experience in P3D as well, had all kind of addons. Not freeware, there was almost none that was any good. A certain DC-3, but beside that? I had all kind of expensive addon jets, the complete A2A and PMDG lineup, Maddog, FSL, TFDi… And what did I fly and was really good in? The Vertx Da62, The A2A T-6 and the PMDG 747. That’s it. Thousands of € wasted only to “have it”. If you asked me about any emergency or abnormal procedures about that A320… no idea.
DCS has a great Free-to-play programm that lets you test the addons for 2 weeks and then you can decide if you like it and purchase it… or not. That’s what’s missing here. It has saved me a LOT of money in DCS, I have a handful of addons there that I fly regularily… and that I own. In MSFS I simply don’t get them from experience with them in previous sims. No need for me to waste money on an A320 that I know I won’t fly. I have purchased 10 aircraft in MSFS (which is about 400€!!) in 3 years of which I fly 4 frequently, 1 less, the rest not at all. So basically a 50:50 chance. I know the DC6 and the C414 from heart, the Kingair grows on me more and more and the JF Arrow is quite far up there as well. But I could have saved the money on the 737s and the Maddog, frankly. What was good for me in P3D just doesn’t hit it anymore in MSFS and I have become veeeery picky. Saves me from a lot of purchase failures.
Ordinarilly I can fly any plane in my virtual hanger. However, I mostly fly FSEconomy in MSFS and have to rent, lease or purchase any plane I need with virtual funds. The advantage is picking up Pax and/or cargo dictates pretty much where I fly, what aircraft I have already bought or what I can rent/lease. I get to see the world and use various aircraft, sometimes aliased if they don’t exist in MSFS yet. At the same time building up my virtual bank balance. Whilst FSEconomy remains free to download and use. I now fly in areas and countries I would never have thought of but for this set up.
I agree with you on that one, very often it goes like ehmm looks nice let’s buy it. Some of them are not to expensive but make it times 10 and it still is.
Practicing emergency situations is something you really need like doing, but mastering a plane it’s systems take so much time, and you will enjoy it afterwards more and get the most out of your money.