I just wanted to say Thank You ASOBO :)

Meh. It depends on the add-ons you have, really. I’ve experiemented with several different freeware and payware… including working title, caravan, tbm, neo, g36, da62 mods, half of orbx stuff, half of latin vfr and stuff on contrail and the only problem I had was with one orbx product (burbank) that was even verified by orbx. Problem was solved. I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything, played with settings and found that if there is an issue it’s usually with one maybe two mods. If you get an addon with limited support (usually freeware) that is hardly updated then yeah it might be the cause of the problem. If you have dozens of airport mods that are freeware they might conflict with payware or default scenery. If you have several mods for GNS, or G1000 etc then one of them might conflict. It’s happened. I would rather have mods and potentially deal with a bit of fps loss but that is the game you play with flight sims: they ■■■■ power out of everything. I just got the Just flight Piper and it was amazing. I even turned up my LOD settings, and res slider up to 80 (in 4k) and loved it. I add each mod in one or two at a time. Then the liveries at the end with the liveries installer. Easy peasy. Flying the neo will naturally take up more resources…

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They definitely were not ready for a release before the pandemic. Most of the beta testers were not pleased with their lack of sim fixing. It seems asobo was more interested in making it pretty first

There is a lot BS in this thread, starting with the OP’s thread title. If you can’t get the sim to run properly and you are running add-on’s/mods then it’s your fault. So you remove all of those add-on’s/mods and the sim still doesn’t function properly then who’s fault is it?

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice…shame on me.


Paid addons are ok, I have KMIA by LatinVFR and it’s still runs well in VR

The “stuff” is like scenery, airport, liveries and other 3rd party apps that our awesome community did but coming from personal users/beginners developers if you like to put it at. I have all those stuff in my community folder and after I removed them all and just use the one that coming from a reliable source like FlyByWire, Project Mega Pack, FSUIPC to name a few meaning from all this people who are active in updating their products. I keep those. The one that haven’t being updated since the released of other patches up to the recent one. I save it in my other folder just incase the owner come back and updated them accordingly.

and to your second question, why its effect our community folder right? it doesn’t make any sense at all but I saw this one announcement from Asobo in release nots


Some packages in your community folder may not have been updated and, as a result, may have an unexpected impact on the title’s performance and behaviour."

I tried this an to my amazement, the sim performs way much better! So, from that day I will be selective in what I put in that community folder.

this is some ground picture, you may need to download the pic and open it using app in your PC then just click from this post to be able to see the nice crisp pic.

but, I feel very happy but Asobo there is still more room of improvement that you need to fix like B787 still acting like a dolphin on the runaway for example. Still not fix yet :rage:

anyway, i have a flight to catch! later :slight_smile:

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Yes paid version are okay. I agree.

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I’m not so sure too as I’m not that pro on that sort of stuff but once I removed all those add-on like free scenery, liveries and other 3rd party apps that haven’t been updated since the first patch. My sims run like a charm. I don’t know how to explain this but it works :slight_smile:

I’m okay! LOL

Yeap done.

I only have with me now, A32NX, Project Mega Pack liveries (selective liveries), IVAO Pilot clien, sim brief, PACX and FSUIPC7 all good up to this post sent and I hope its remain so :slight_smile:

Its working fine now and I’m happy :slight_smile:

I like! but I’m not :slight_smile:

I agree. They have a lot more to do fix this sims as what the community voted and we saw it in their roadmap update. I’m merely saying thank you for this problem that I have create by my own and becoming greedy by downloading all this 3rd party apps, liveries, scenery that doesn’t have a proper testing method. Its not the creator problem, its me. Maybe I should have archived all this items every time they roll out a new patch so it wouldn’t break my experience in playing the sims :slight_smile:

I have not used any addons since day one and the sim has never had issues, all updates were applied each time with no problem, I don’t get stutters or fps drops, etc etc. I think many issues are due to the addons not behaving correctly. So maybe Asobo and the addon developers need to work more closely. Dunno… Just my 2c

How’s that icing looking? :joy: Just kidding! Glad to hear you are having a good time.

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Asobo sais this

So… if your Community airport does not work it is that title’s performance and not the performance on the whole simulator. That is what is sais.

I download lots of packages, I have 20-30 installed, tried 30-50… When it does not work or when it does not add anything useful I remove it. I’m not an FPS-freak so I’m not sure about performance, but I’ve only had issues with 2 packages sofar. One terrain package (an airport in Chili) gave scenery distortions and a silly airport start position, the other one (a sailplane) freezed the game a few times. I don’t use liveries, but liveries can only slow down the game when you are outside your airplane looking at it. Faulty textures could (in theory) affect the game, but only if they are visible… I think the improvement you have should be traced back to a proper cause. Not some vague notion “they are bad programmers”

The Community folder (in general) does not crash your game.One web page can crash your browser, but you say like "the internet crashed my browser so I don’t use the internet anymore.

I have some experience making addins for myself, I’m not the best programmer in the world either, but i NEVER crashed anything an trust me, I tried and it should have crashed. It does not. because the lowest level of programming a third party developer can use in FS20 Community is Web Assembly, which is put in a sandbox system. It cannot write anything, update anything or hurt the game… it cannot write files…

Microsoft and Asobo have made an open system. That is a valuable feature and the Community folder is needed to keep this game alive and kicking. So I agree with your thanks to Asobo, but as a developer, I don’t like your conclusion about Community. I feel blamed for things. Yes, maybe there was a faulty addin. You removed it. But with this negative story about Community you blame everyone who is working hard (without pay) to let players enjoy more of the world in FS20.

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I have performance issues with or without any add-ons, it makes no difference at all with an empty community folder for me.

Same here… since the last update I lost 5-6 FPS on the 20 FPS I had last week, so I would really have had reason to complain. But I switched off some of the lighting options… ground texture to medium… then tweaked my MX330 control panel not to do anisotropic filtering… and voila… back at 17-18 again. Switch off developer mode and it feels yet a few frames more. And the scenery did improve, there are more different buildings now and I see less issues with water land boundaries. There are (sometimes amusing) issues with the water scenery still, but I’ll wait for improvements, no problem. Thanks Asobo for providing me with a new hobby.

If I would have a 2070 graphics, I’d set it on 30 frames/sec VSync. Happy flying without ventilator noise…

I agree with the OP. I have stated many times in my previous posts that my experience has been fantastic. I’ve been called a liar, been accused of not running current patch and so on…but I can assure you once again my fps stay at around 45, no studders and no CTD. I run on ultra all the time. I also have 300 hours logged. So don’t call me a liar.
i9-10900k oc’d to 4.7ghz, AMD 6800 xt oc’d,
32 GB ram. AsRock Phantom Gaming 4 a/x mobo. 850 watt ps. Viotek 49in swda monitor running at 5120x1440. Happy trails.

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I agree with the OP too. This simulator is verry impressive. Lot of fun to fly. And learn a lot about aviation.

i have found the button i was looking for