I know it isn't just me but I have noticed that the visual eye candy is slowly disappearing

The term you are not seeing or understanding is called troubleshooting, and it is used to see if a problem can duplicated. I have done this very thing to many times to count as a 21.5 year Naval Aviation Electronics Technician veteran, I think I can say with a fairly high degree of confidence this would be considered troubleshooting 101. It may not return the result you want to hear or see, but it may give the developers some important insight.

I think you need to realize that if a word is derogatory, it is still derogatory no matter who uses it or how it is used. Don’t make excuses that it is Ok for certain people to use a word but not others. Wrong is wrong no matter who it is.

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Exactly my point, thank you.

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That is on the original release flying from KPTK. I haven’t captured the same flight since but it definitely does not look/behave like that now.

Thanks - but video won’t play - says it is private

Just updated it

But not what you said, exactly

Yes, do please post the video + detail of where etc - so that not only gordongreig (who unlike some has provided evidence in numerous threads about graphic downgrading) but also other forum members can have a look and see what it looks like now. That might help Asobo to fix the issue you see.
Perhaps you could work together with @TheLittlePilot1 in providing evidence.

This does not look like photogrammetry to my eyes. It’s seems to be all generic autogen.

OK, thought I did. I said that when that word was used in a derogatory manner then it is derogatory and against the CoC. I guess I was assuming there might be circumstances when it isn’t derogatory, but I guess I’m happy with the generalised case.

Pidgeon-holing or labelling people in any form is usually intended as derogatory in any event - and hence against the CoC.

That’s what I’m checking

A quick look at the maps app has confirmed it for me, this area doesn’t have photogrammetry.

The nearest PG is the Chrysler Building some distance away

Wholeheartedly agree, unfortunately we all see this way to much from both sides. and it is a shame.

I might be busting NDA, but screw it.

One image is from an early Alpha build from December 2019, the other I just took a few minutes ago. Analyze it as you wish.

To the mods, mercy for my transgressions.


Have your frame rates improved?


Partially, there is a lot to render after all. The LA area will bring any computer to its limits, but I am happy with the 25-30 FPS it gives. During the alpha I was averaging at around 20-25.

That’s an improvement. I’ve seen steady - albeit small - improvements over the past few months, and increased stability.

The “eye candy” varies from place to place, but San Francisco sure looks good. I can even see my Mom’s lounge chairs on the sundeck when flying over her apartment!

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One has missing plane

Sorry but I am just not seeing a marked difference. I quickly did some screen grabs just now of similar locations that I have from 19 August: that is basically the very first version that came out. All settings are basically the same (High on 4K monitor) and screen captures are shown @ 4K. Unfortunately I got it at different times of day but FWIW some comparative images from the first release vs current state:











Unfortunately not exact matches but to my mind close enough.

And then, how about this from a flight in the Bahamas yesterday:

To each his own but this is good enough for me.


Ok so I did just do a test flight and I think my understanding of PG was not correct. If I fly north like I do in the video it does look and behave pretty similar but as soon as I go east or SE towards DTW it gets the horrible blocked trees and buildings like I describe. I also do most my flying near Denver/Boulder area as that is where I live now and it all looks this way as it is a PG area. So as my flying as expanded to bigger areas that have PG I just notice it more I guess.

Still seems like a tree that is in PG area at take off and not zoomed in should not look like a blob and be muddy instead of using and actual tree. Also the buildings just are constantly updating the closer you get and when looking out the cockpit it looks like ■■■■ because you can actually see the different changes happening like an animation. For example if you do a flight out of KBJC (which funny enough they think it is DTW on ATC) and take off and turn north, the buildings right next to the airport look melted. Then if you fly towards the Denver area it is like the world is popping up and loading all around you. The buildings go from being messy to sometimes in great detail but only when you are right on top of them. Round objects like water tanks and such have one side clasped and are more square with right angles and sometimes stay that way. When you are on approach to an airport in a PG area some of the trees stay as little green pyramids. I think for me it is more of the change of the scenery loading as you fly that is bothersome vs the actual look. It just animates items that should be static and that makes the whole world seem fake. I think that is the complaint that people make about the LOD issues. Its a very obvious change and that draws your attention to the fact that they are not “correct” and look melted. I took two videos of a flight out of KBJC today and am uploading them now to show what I mean.

In no way is this a “this game is HORRIBLE and UNPLAYABLE” post. I really think it is amazing and have lots of hours on it. So it would seem that maybe the PG areas are just this way like you said. Personally I don’t remember the PG loading the way it does now. But as I just typed that one of the things I did do after the first or second update was buy the Premium version which would have more PG or no?