I didnt expect it would be there. I had planned a flight into midway…but then i saw meigs!
I must have an addon…do we all have meigs?
I didnt expect it would be there. I had planned a flight into midway…but then i saw meigs!
I must have an addon…do we all have meigs?
I have added Meigs field years ago. But nothing beats Lower Loon Creek.
It was added back in the anniversary version.
@EcstaticRock92 Check your Content Manager, you can delete or add it as desired (same with Hong Kong Kai Tak).
Added last fall as part of the 40th Anniversary content.
At first i bought the addon, as i miss it, and last fall it was included in the update, so yeah, everybody has it now. Like KCPilot sayd, you can uninstall in the content manager… but i’d leave it in, just to tease the mayor that had it removed irl.
I’d like to have the 40th anniversary Meigs field but I didnt see any way of installing it by itself. It looks like its bundled with all the points of interest that came with that update – whichever update that was… can’t remember right now.
If anyone can show me how to install only Meigs, I’d appreciate it.
If it’s not currently installed, go to your Content Manager, click on the Uninstalled category from the list at left, then search for the airport name or ICAO. That will let you install it. If it’s installed and you want to remove it, click on the Installed category in the Content Manager, search for it, then uninstall.
I’ve searched for it every way I can think of and I do know how to expand various updates into their components. Its just that a number of the airports that MS/Asobo add don’t appear as individual entries that can be either installed or deleted that I can see.
Can you show me a screenshot that shows Meigs as an installable item? I appreciate the assistance.
Once again I appreciate your help. I’ve figured out the problem. There are several actually. First, I’m on X Box and this is what I get when searching:
I mistakenly thought “game of the Year” and its airports were part of a World Update but it was Sim Update 7 apparently. I discovered that fact after downloading everything I hadn’t already downloaded for US WU2 and WU10 and still no sign of Meigs. So the issue is that Meigs cannot be searched for on XBox and it doesn’t play nice with DD’s Chicago skyline which I had installed. It all works fine together on PC but not XBox. Even after deleting DDs Chicago, Im not sure Meigs is showing correctly. On PC Im pretty sure the roundish building at one end of the airport is modelled but its not on my install.
Heres XBox with DDs skyline:
On Xbox you just need to re-install the US updates after you delete DDs and then restart. I thought DD made an update to accommodate Meigs for Xbox awhile ago but could be wrong.
Thanks. I will try that tomorrow. I thought DD fixed that too but I’ve got serious elevation issues on mine. I am on the beta but that couldn’t matter – I hope.
But before landing at Meigs don´t forget going through the basics at least one time, to refresh your knowledge and keep your mind sharp!
Aw the wonders of flight simming back than, the best computers had 5 FPS (but only if you had the awesome Intel Pentium IV MMX! Otherwise your experience wasn´t as fluid and smooth as in this video.)
This is a great example of what we older folks loved as state of the art. Since many of us started when the world was just a plane defined by a grid of white lines…this msfs 2000 was a huge step forward.
Step into fs 2020, and its hard to complain about anything!
Those old days (and costs) are why I’m fine playing on xbox. I remember paying $400 for that second MB of VRAM back in the day. And man when you had your giant stack of 3.5’s ready to load it up… Sure the sim can have issue on it, but haven’t had to take it apart once… When VR and the sim itself makes it’s next leap forward, I’ll get back to PC. Maybe we’ll get full FFB and motion platform support… Although I do remember the days when you could just change the aircraft on the runway itself, and just about every add on was free. I don’t think there was a way to pay for them way back when anyway.
So what’s the verdict, does Meigs and DZ’s Chicago play nice yet?
I never could get Asobo’s Meigs and DD Chicago Landmarks to play nicely after the Game of the Year update, no matter how long I tweaked the scenery order editor in the dev menu. I ended up buying Z Studios Meigs Professional scenery and deleting Asobo’s Meigs…this setup works well for me. I know it isn’t ideal for everyone, especially if you don’t wish to buy another scenery to correct a conflict such as this.