I love how this game is an MMO

I am usually flying around small airports in Spain, so I don’t meet a lot of people, but today I am making a big trip accross the USA, and I loved seeing so many players and especially those using the flybywire mod hahaha It truly was a nice experience, I felt inside a real moving world.

I saw this guy called Rainytooth taxiing around and I followed him while I put in my passengers (self-loading cargo) and turned on my APU

When I started taxiing I saw him taking off:

In the end I was greeted by some amazing weather effects and tailwinds up to 112kts at high altitude, I am currently cruising towards NY

Godspeed Rainytooth!


I love it as long as they don’t spawn on runway or appear on the opposite site when I’m on short final.
(I never did a go around because of it because I don’t negotiate with terrorists :joy: )


So you’re out on a little trip all by yourself, nothing in particular going on at your local airport… And you have this outfit arrive. :laughing:

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She “is” a nice lady.