I love the Turbulent airflow effect on aircraft

No. Some of us have enough piloting RW GA aircraft to know what real is.

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But many of those real pilots seems to have different opinions. Why? All of those real pilots use same atmosphere right? But here it seems like all of the real pilots has 2 types of atmosphere IRL. One that is real when flying on rails like we had pre su10 and one that is real as it is now. What is correct? And how to make it realistic for all of the real pilots?

I’m not a real pilot but i know for sure the air is not always calm. In the sim since su10 i can get both calm and turbulence depending on what type of winds Meteoblue reports outside of METAR airports. At airports with METAR i can check METAR and the winds stays at that value. It may fluctuate some but that i find realistic because METAR is a messured average of winds and doesn’t mean it should stay constant at that rate.

If we want to feel calm air all the time in the sim we can decide to use presets or look at Meteoblue and look for places reporting calm air. They have global weather in this sim. And that means it may not report accurate gusts or winds all the time. But to me the air behaves much more realistic.

About frequency i bet they can tune but we need to understand it will not be perfect for everyone.

There options may be good. To be able to tune the frequency how we like.

But some also complains options is not realistic in live-weather but at the same time they want the weather changed to their own opinion of what is realistic.

What ever ATIS reports is generally very wrong anyway im astounded a simple weather reporting system can be so wrong

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But many of those “who claim to be” real pilots seems to have different opinions.

I don’t think I’m stupid, but I guess we can never rule anything out. :man_shrugging:


I compared it to Windy.com for KATL and it was the same. Could argue about both sims live weather being off or wrong.

Fake news? The Great Turbulence Consoiracy?

No what i mean is ATIS is usually way off whats happening in the sim ive seen it give opposing runways as active and wind always seems to be way off , i usually check with flight radar which usually matches live weather in the sim

took this a couple weeks ago

Silly question, are your flight controls stable? If you pull up the curves, do you see stable inputs or jittery inputs?

They are stable. I use the Honeycomb Alpha and a Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas depending on the airplane.

I don‘t know what to think of this sim anymore. Two days ago I wanted to show the sim to a friend of mine and chose the broken clouds preset to avoid all the shaking and it was a really nice flight. Then I wanted to show him the problems in live weather, switched over with the flight loaded and expected it to start shaking within a few seconds but the weather just changed but it was totally fine to fly. No problems, even after several minutes. I thought it might depend on whether you load live weather right from the start and so I started a new flight but with live weather, no problems either. Then, yesterday I was happily starting a flight in VR expecting it being resolved, it shook me so hard that I just hit Alt-F4. :roll_eyes:

Well that’s good.

There is definitely something intermittent that happens. I can’t tell if it’s server lag, or funky weather data comes through that maybe got garbled on its way into the sim. Not sure, but there is a kraken in there somewhere. :neutral_face:

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