I love the Turbulent airflow effect on aircraft

I fly in helicopters and Cessna caravans every day for work. I love the new effect of airflow on the aircraft within the sim, finally we have realistic turbulence. It’s realistic. It’s the reason there are aviators and non aviators. The real aviators love it and are used to it. It’s part of the fun of flying. It’s made flying the smaller aircraft within the sim much more enjoyable and realistic. Thanks team.

Glad you like it – but it has no relationship with realism. 500 hours VFR IRL and never this sort of turbulence. Not realistic at all.


I bet it depends on where in the world we are flying. Maybe the turbulence is realistic at some places and some places not. I bet it’s really hard to get it 100% correct everywhere.

And can you describe exactly how it will be more realistic please. Then Asobo may be able to improve it.


Nail on head. E.g. as it stands there’s really no way possible of knowing the effect that local sea temperatures have on flight conditions. Our feedback could possibly help however I can’t see it being a massive priority unless it involves major airports or very busy flight corridors.

There are about as many opinions about the turbulence as there are about the clouds (even among IRL pilots) :smile:


There’s turbulence. I.e. some bumpiness; it’s the never-ending tail wagging that doesn’t jive with my RL experience at all.


Well, in real life your head and eyes balance that out. In the sim the head and eyes are glued to the aircraft.


Not sure what or where the difference is but I flew in the same area and had different experiences. One time it was throwing me around ridiculously at a high frequency, completely unflyable and another time it was relatively smooth with normal effects and aircraft reaction as I’m used to from RW flying. Note: Live weather. Winds were quite similar, a couple of knots from the side, cumulus clouds.

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that’s the biggest issue we actually have. The movements are often too extreme but with the airframe remaining steady and the world wiggling it’s horrible to fly in and even worse in VR.


1,750+ hrs VFR here and I find it very realistic. Some aircraft models react more realistically than others but in general it is a huge improvement.

Once again, I now start to worry that a few experts will keep complaining and get it watered down by the devs.

(btw if the motion is too much for you, you can turn off camera shake). :slight_smile:


Why all this Alarm and Fear that the Devs will permanently reduce what they have determined is an appropriate level of turbulence,

All those who believe that the Turbulence is too High, or too Low, are asking, is that there be a user control, to vary that Arbitrary level that Asobo are currently injecting into the sim.

Then EVERYONE is happy, and rather than concentrating on this ARBITRARY level, more energy can be put into the actual type and characteristics of the turbulence, which currently seems to be more in question.


I see frequent posts that MSFS is too saturated. And I also see posts were people complain it’s too hazy and washed out looking.

I’m not sure how both could be true. :grin:


Becuase it happened before. It is not alarm and fear though, I wouldn’t class me saying it is a “worry” as alarm and fear. lol.

You know this is impossible right? No matter how much you CAPITALISE it. lol

If it were possible to keep everyone happy, we would have world peace. (Ooops alarm and fear again?)

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


Sometimes I have a feeling we have different simulators around. Or that the sim behaves differently for different people for whatever reason. Please note that this is not meant to be sarcastic. What I see is anything but realistic, if I sat in this airplane I’d hit my head against the canopy/cockpit instantly. If you saw the same you wouldn’t say it’s realistic, not with 1750 hours. So I sincerely wonder what the difference is, where the issues are located… I have these problems in default and addon aircraft, the aircraft swings around the vertical axis for about 5+ degrees at a rate of once or twice per second at least, additional to that wings drop to a 20deg banking every ~5 seconds, nose up and down around 5 degrees less regularily. It’s completely insane here. This happens over England, USA, European Alps, doesn’t matter…

Everything’s fine in the presets though, soaring presets are extremely difficult to control, never experienced anything like that in real life but at least visually managable.


I hope you don’t mind me asking if you are actually in the beta but what you describe is very much what we had in SU10?

jup, SU11 beta, live weather

Yeah, what would they know. They only fly for a living.


or claim they do … and then go on to say things that indicate otherwise . :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Example from the 1978 Cessna c152 Pilot operating handbook


Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity is the velocity of the crosswind component for which adequate control of the airplane during takeoff and landing was actually demonstrated during certification tests. The value shown is not considered to be limiting. "

12 knot crosswind max. If live weather ATIS is reporting more than 12 knots, don’t fly in it. Turn off live weather.

“If our airplane has a maximum demonstrated crosswind component of 17 knots, we should evaluate whether the current conditions are beyond our capabilities. It is important to exercise good judgment in such a scenario and err on the side of caution. This is how the crosswind chart can be a helpful tool in our decision-making toolbox when determining the best course of action in flight.”


Yeah, I’m enjoying it too. The people not liking it, I think are just too used to games like X-Plane, where everything flies on rails. Live weather isn’t for everyone, so fortunately, people that don’t like the experience of unpredictable weather, have the option to use pre-set weather, or create a custom weather experience, that they can tailor to their taste.