I might have found Thrustmaster TCA sidestick rudder fix

My TCA sidestick have always have worsening Z axis noise where even 20% dead zone won’t do it and the planes always veers left and right, have tried all those cleaning, cutting off a bit of the plastic tip or attach clip to the sensor, move the wires etc and nothing really works, yesterday I suddenly wanted to try again for something before I curse it a waste of money and buy another stick for use it seems my latest mod do work for 2 days at least with 10% dead zone set. Since I didn’t take any photos of the process and too lazy to re-do it I just borrow someone’s photo out there, please tolerate me if this annoys the original poster.

I found that when dissembled and trying to twist half of the sidestick, before the red circled spring have give you any feedback force, the stick itself already moves the Z axis sensor a bit, with it being very sensitive sensor I can understand why everytime I rest my hand on the stick or do some aileron input the rudder will just go crazy randomly.
(I think all of you coming in you have a tiny, like ~1 degree wobbly space around the Z axis before you feel the spring loading force)

So, after noticing this, and in the knowledge that DUCT TAPE fixes EVERYTHINGGGG

I cut a tiny bit of the tough and thick, black duct tape from supermarket and attach it to the side of the spring, effectively filling up that wobbly space. now after re-assembly, the wobbly space is completely gone.

In the TM control panel or MSFS sensitivity tab I could see that putting the hand on it no longer create the wild ~50% swing, just very minor noise <10% threshold, the draw back it seems to have was when you manually input the rudder and let it spring back to neutral, it would have a mile <5% random noise, which the 10% dead zone would cover, after that I have done 3 flights in a line and up till now nothing seems off, for anay victim don’t wanna to throw away a not so cheap bit of E-waste, you could try this mod before calling it a day. hopefully TM could see this and fix it in future products… welcome to contact me if needed.

my latest flight with a rough landing but quite a rough rudder movement at the end of landing, this before the mod will definitely send the plane rocking much worst


I am not responding exactly to rudder fix issue but I am having a different thrustmaster issue that I don’t know how to get help on so I’ll give it a shot here.

I cannot push throttle past 80% power. I can use F4 for full throttle but it slips back to 80% on its own. I tried several Control Options but cannot find a way for it to stick.

Any suggestions?


It could be helpful to post a pic of your power sensitive curve settings.