I need help with my settings

Hello everyone,

Since Sim Update 10 my entire settings have been rested. Unfortunately I don’t know what my settings were since a kind member of this community set up the sim for me.

So now it feels like the sim is being run by a computer. I will post my specs and sim settings below and maybe someone could recommend the settings for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB
Device ID 0A325C0F-0C9E-4B34-90C9-C59BB4E00CC1
Product ID 00330-71303-38352-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display


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have you noticed, that the current driver cant installed as some reason ? May be try a complet re-installation.

You own a very low end system ( i7-6700, 8GB RAM, gtx 970 ( 4GB, only 3.5 fast ) ) - e.g. the 970 is significant slower than a 980ti and the 8GB needs to lower all memory intensive settings e.g. precache .

I would start with the default “Low” setting and then you can go stepwise with the settings higher. Possible might also to start with “Medium” and reduce then specific settings in case of performance issues.

EDIT: Lol… now noticed the OP post was some months old… adding the min-specs here in former post, confused me a bit :laughing: … its assumed a dead topic.
By the way: I assume the official min-specs are menntion within the FAQ: