I *Still* Look Forward to Thursday Afternoons

Here we are, all this time later, and I still look forward to Thursday afternoons when the new and updated Marketplace products are showcased.

Perhaps, it’s the fact that I no longer live in a major metropolis that these sorts of small things become a highlight of my week, but whatever the case I still enjoy the anticipation of the afternoon’s announcement.

I guess I am just a tried and true MSFS junkie.


I think most of us are. :innocent:


I haven’t played the game in over two months and Thursdays are still my favorite day of the week


HPMOTW – Favourite Severus Snape moment – Savant Dreaming

Glad they still bring you some excitement to your week!


I agree! It is almost like a mini-Christmas to me. I enjoy seeing what new gifts have to MSFS Marketplace and the development of MSFS.

I also add that in addition to flying with @FlyingCookie650 during his fly-ins when the Dev Update comes out, Thursdays are easily the best day of the week.


Said it for a long time now, especially for Xbox simmers, any given Thursday holds the potential to be a day that totally changes their sim experience. MSFS is such an exciting scene, especially in contrast with other games’ handling of it (why does every game have “seasons” now?)


The regular updates are nice to read. I’m sure it takes work to put together, and I’m sure it opens people up to unnecessary vitriol from folks.

Updates, community engagement, and roadmaps are not ultimately needed for development, so the extra effort is appreciated.

I hope it continues as FS24 takes more and more of the spotlight.

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2 words that, for me at least, would totally change my Sim experience : FS Traffic.

Man, been waiting for so long now. It would be a fantastic addition, especially now when the Sim is doing so great with Beta 15. It’s time.

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Aren’t we all?

Thursdays are always nice, we get to see what is new in the MSFS marketplace and next day is a friday.

Maybe I can get the BAE146 update this week?
Maybe the SWS PC-12 is going to show up and I’m going to ponder for hours if I will love it or hate it.
Maybe we will see the C-130 by CaptainSim, buy it and don’t tell anyone we actually like it.

And of course night enhacements and water fixes so we can complain in social media.


This week though, :joy:

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They’ve been ousted by VA Systems. This week was a disappointment, with all their packs (no idea what they do, and I don’t really want to know!).

Don’t forget that the Fri following the Thu is sale update day. Last few have been a let down, with featured devs whose stuff was ALREADY discounted! We don’t get one every Friday (they usually stop a couple of weeks before major sales) but hopefully there’ll be a reasonable one tonight.

I love this post soo much! I thought i was the only one these days haha! Thank you to everyone who brings these updates im glad I’m not alone when i genuinely look forward to them. To me they are like weekends, and Dev streams are bank holidays! :smiley::airplane: