I want to join a Virtual Airline

I’m wondering just how these Virtual Airlines wprk and which ones to join if I’m a beginner.
(15 hours on Vatsim)

there are tons of VAs out there. It all depends on how and where you want to fly. Some are super realistic and you have take entrance exams, others are pretty basic, and just ask that you maintain a minimum of one flight a month. Personally I fly for two right now, vWestJest.org and FlyVirtual.net, but as a said there are tons…


As has been said there are dozens of VAs. It all depends on where you want to fly Eg USA/South America /Asia/Australasia/Africa or Europe

Also what you want to fly - Tube Liners with self loading cargo or small 1 or 2 engine prop aircraft.

Some VAs have RW pilots and ATC as members such as BAVirtual others you can fly anywhere with any aircraft.

Have a look on the Vatsim website which lists those affiliated with them

Thanks so much for the help! I fly in the US. Should I start with smaller prop planes or go for the twin eng jets?

That’s a you decision to make. Most VAs are aimed towards simulating real world commercial airlines but there’s a few that are prop/GA focused too.

The one i’m in does not have airframe or rank restrictions you can pretty much fly anything as long as the airport is rated for the plane and the plane is rated for the trip. Check us out! flyuva.org

Thanks I’ll take a look

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What to start with depends on the VA and how strict they are.

I fly for VAC (http://vacanada.org) and you have to work your way up to the big boys (the more hours you log the higher the rank, the more planes and routes you can fly).

They aim to mirror their real world counterpart and are quite strict on not only the type of aircraft you can fly based on rank, but based on route, location, etc…

They do allow some offsets (such as PMDG 737-800) as there is no max yet for MSFS and Air Canada only fly’s the max.

So if you are looking for realism (as much as possible) that style is something to look into it.

Other’s are quite lax and let you do pretty much whatever.

my OCD thrives on SOP’s :slight_smile:

EDIT: Elite shut down after a complicated ordeal of a rogue actor deleting the website. Elite officially merged with Spark, however I now fly for Walker Air, where I’m extremely happy.

I fly for Elite. https://flyeliteairtaxi.com/

They’re based in the US, and focus on business jets and air Taxi for smaller piston and turboprop aircraft. The only airliners we do are things like the BBJ and ACJ. The main drawbacks of Elite are that they’re pretty picky on the aircraft you use, and you lack some freedom other VAs offer. Their website has also been quite buggy since upgrading it a while back, and there’s very little interaction among members.

I used to fly for EveryAir Virtual. They’re more laid back and relaxed. Very friendly group of people. They’re European based, and have pretty much every aircraft available for use. They’ve changed websites, and I don’t know what the new one is.

Other VAs I’ve been considering are Infinity Airways https://infinity-airways.com/ and Walker Air https://walkerair.us/

I’m staying with Elite because I’ve been with them for several years, and have built up my hours and rank. I don’t want to start over somewhere else.

Hi there! I have a question. Are there here in the community virtual airlines you can join. Like KLM virtual airline! :smile:
and how can I join it!?

Thank you!

As you are on XBOX, you would have to find one that caters to that exclusively.

The limits of the XBOX do not allow for the required tracking programs that VA’s use.


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