I want to thank those who chose and maintain this forum software

I’ve been on many forums. Some are atrocious, some are OK, some are even good.

But the structure, layout, options, and overall look and feel of this forum are second to none. It’s feature rich, and so easy to navigate compared to many other forums.

Sometimes it’s a bit hard to figure out which category a new thread should be in, but those threads are quickly moved to another category. I’m guessing there are some AI tools involved. If not, then another shout out to the moderators who work hard to keep things organized.

Happy flying…Happy foruming! (Is that a word?)


All humans! :slightly_smiling_face:


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the moderator team for taking the time to moderate this forum, without moderators it might have become the wild west of forums! :joy:

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It’s good to live in Rock Ridge. :wink:
