I wish we had ANY of the features we had in FSX

Not true

Yes, for the obvios reason that you are in an online ecosystem.

See this post for how to actually pause the game:

Well, I wasn’t necessarily speaking of him (or her, as the case may be) as an individual, more to the incessant whining I see on this board every time I visit. And about stupid things, too, like “Why doesn’t the sim have running trains?” (Answer: Really??) Or “Why won’t my 172 autopilot land my plane properly?” (Answer: It’s not supposed to.) Or "But FSX had this feature!! (Answer: Go back to FSX. Or at least have some patience, or use any of the dozens of freeware packages that do what you want.)

And then there’s “But I don’t want to use the freeware stuff!!!”. (Answer: Then stop complaining, or get a 2nd monitor to run it on.) And of course there’s “But I can’t afford a 2nd monitor!!!”. (Answer: It costs about the same as the top-tier version of the sim, so yes you can.)

Sorry, I could go on, I just find all the whining to be completely non-productive. Most of it is stuff we’ve all heard (well, read) dozens of times before, probably already know about if we actually use the sim ourselves, and many of which Asobo has gone on the record saying they know about it, and are going to fix it at some point. I mean, fercrissake, what do people expect?

A 1.0 version that’s so perfect in every single way that there’s no point in even keeping the dev team still employed?

I used to sell Enterprise class software as part of my job (sadly, I’m involuntarily medically semi-retired now, and I’ve been out of the game too long to get back in), and routinely had customers who had a rule, sometimes actually in writing, and more frequently just casually, that they would not buy version 1.0 of anything from anyone. Not IBM, not Sun, not HP, not even their own sibling who wrote the code all by themselves. If Enterprise class customers have those kind of expectations out of software from the very most reputable companies on the planet, who slather them with 24x7 onsite support contracts, and that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars just to license, why would we consumers not expect some issues under similar circumstances?

It just has gotten old to me.

This is false information, I’m debunking that exact topic. Watch the video. :wink:

edit: the second part of the post tells you to go into the dev menu to pause the sim. Come on, seriously? We are not supposed to fly/play with dev mode enabled.

edit 2: (your tripple post including a deleted post is confusing :wink: ) The online possibilities should not mean we cannot have a pause in the offline mode (both traffic and weather). You are able to pause your single player GTA even though there is a multiplayer mode right? Why so much force against such a basic feature?

Not forcing anything. I was linking to a thread that explains exactly the same as the video. It clearly says you cannot stop time in the sim, regardless of what pause approach you use. Not expressing an opinion either, just stating facts. That’s all

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I can think of a few things.

First, XBox compatibility. While I think anyone who would run this sim on an XBox is a ■■■■■, from a business perspective it was brilliant decision. The fact is they’re going to sell a boat load of them, and continue selling more over time, which will add a lot to their bottom line. Shopping mall Santas will be hearing “This year I want flight simulator for my XBox” for many years to come.

Probably for longer than shopping mall Santas are even still a thing, assuming they still are even today.

Secondly is product longevity. Even though there was a lot of pent up demand resulting in a huge spike the minute it went on sale, that’s not going to last. But people will continue buying it over the long term just because they can. Maybe it’s kids that today are too young to care or be interested, or even grown up kids who aren’t interested today but at some point get bitten by the bug, people will continue buying the product over many years, and as it is (currently, anyway) the only “next generation” flight sim product available, it will gobble up marketshare currently held by XP, P3D, FSX, etc

I don’t think many new people are buying FSX anymore (assuming you even can), but current users will, at least eventually, mostly migrate over.

Which is why I think it’s foolish for devs to continue devving (is that a word?) for other platforms, as they’re all dead ends. Sure, projects that have been in the pipe for a long time may get finished, but when they’re done, that’s a wrap. But that’s a whole other can of worms

Perhaps someone else will come along with another “next gen” product, but competition is good for everybody. Well, except maybe those who might have a semi-monopoly for a time.

Third is, sorry, payware DLC. If you bought FS2020 thinking it had helicopters, sorry, but you didn’t do your due diligence. It will have them, both from Asobo as well as third party devs, but they will in all likelihood all be payware, though I’m sure a few hearty souls will create some freeware/open source ones as well. I also think some DLC will be free for premium deluxe owners, but not for others, which can result in upgrade revenues, or just straight “buy the DLC” revenues.

It’s also possible that they might buy up some current companionware makers (think Navigraph, p2ATC, Little Navmap, etc.), and charge for those add-ons, even though today at least some of them are free. Ditto for freeware/payware scenery and aircraft builders.

Believe me, they didn’t make this product out of any sense of charity, and they will find ways to continue monetizing it over time, and we want them to, as it’s good for us, too. And if there comes a point that they need to refresh it completely, and sell it as FS2025 or more likely FS2030 (or beyond), I don’t think too many people will complain that we didn’t get their money’s worth out of it.


You could always buy the domain and setup a CNAME record xD


I agree with all your points, but you forgot mention Game Pass :stuck_out_tongue:. This is the main focus of Microsoft nowadays. A large enough subscription base can cover a lot of 1st party games.

There is a sad but logical reason for that. The whole approach to community engagement we see from Asobo and Microsoft is based on “Whatever is mentioned the most is what gets fixed”. The voting system. The “one item per post” rule that brings down any discussion to bumper sticker level. Asking everyone to report the same thing on Zendesk so the tickets can be counted. How the Q&A questions are always focused on what gets the more attention in the forum.

Conclusion: If you want something fixed, if something is important to you, you have to keep whining about it.

And the inverse: If someone asks for something you do not think should be a priority you have to say so or Asobo will go do it. That is why the requests for a downvoting system keep coming up (if we had had a downvote system there is no way that “press any key to continue” item had made the top list).

Then people for some reason that completely eludes me get enormously emotional about it all and the debate heats up. “I think moving trains would be really nice for immersion!” “No I don’t think so, and by the way that is a stupid idea” “Well you were a stupid idea and your mom said so too!” You get the picture.

It really gets old to me too. But I understand why it happens and it won’t change by telling people to be patient.

Maybe I misunderstand this completely, but I think the whole idea of the voting feature is to reduce the whining. The idea is that if you want something to get highlighted more, you should go vote for it in wishlist instead of creating more and more whining topics about the same thing. Reporting to ZenDesk is also a good since it won’t appear in the forum as just another whining post and at the same time giving dev some idea about who are getting impact by what.

Anyway, in any development team, bugs get prioritized one way or another. Teams that don’t care about community usually just based on telemetry or some more imaginary stats, which can lead to bugs that you encountered but no one really bother about get prioritized. And regardless which way Asobo and Microsoft do, I think there is simply no way to satisfy everyone.

Yeah I mostly agree with that, I am not saying the current system is all bad, or necessarily even mostly bad. Listening to the users is a good thing. Where the voting system fails in my mind is that it never catches the essence of the problems. It is just a single line post heading that gets voted on, whatever the first poster happened to pick as a heading after a full four seconds of deliberation, and what goes or should go under that heading is often controversial. So you end up with a lot of discussion around that, exactly what is broken and exactly how is it broken, and I don’t see a problem with that.

Then there is the fact that what is constructive to some is whining to others. “This POS junk crashes every time I try to load a flight!” is perfectly constructive: There is a CTD issue when loading a flight, and it is affecting at least this user a great deal. But is it also whining – yes, of course. People have emotions, some stronger than others. We are not in a professional setting here so why should people not express their emotions.

It helps to be patient with the state of the game, at least for one’s own peace of mind. And for the very same reason it helps a lot to be patient with impatient users.

To loop back to the topic of this thread, what gets me the most impatient is regressions, where things worked in FSX and don’t work anymore. The reason that gets me impatient is that MSFS is built on the FSX code base, so the code was already there and if it wasn’t changed it would have worked. Sometimes there is a technical reason why the implementation must change, like seasons when going from handcrafted textures to ground photos, but other times there is not, like ATC vectoring.

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How many times have we heard people complain that the updates have been to few and haven’t fixed everything? “Asobo need to focus on
(insert personal peeve here)”.

Let me point out how long it would take for the developers to wade through all the garbage in this forum to drill down to the real wants and concerns in a quantitative manner.
If Asobo was to use the forum for anything other than vote ticket stats and address anything other than the top voted questions during Q&A, I dare say we would not have seen even one update yet. There just aren’t enough man hours available.

The current system would work if we could get past all the repeat (solved) bug reports and user error bug reports. If we could just get ALL users to search for the solutions first before filling the bug voting system with useless vitriol then The list would be small enough that they could make good use of it.

Unfortunately, as I have quoted before
“If you wish in one hand and cr4p in the other, which hand do you think will fill up first?”

The wishlist is another animal entirely. I would like to see comments disabled and a vote up/down system implemented. Instead of having knock down, drag out fight about the things important to someone else, let them state the wish, then either vote yes or no, no discussion. If it gets enough yes votes it gets bumped up the list.

Keep the duplicates to a minimum and we can have a great reference for both the users and the developers.
There I go wishing again

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No, there’s at least two ways. (1) import them from FSX at least they’ll be partly correct, (2) Let the community do it.

A prerequisite to that is an honest bug system, an honest list of corrections, rather than dev update waffle. You also need to limit such a reporting system to people who are (i) real pilots (ii) experienced simmers (iii) software developers otherwise you’ll just get umpteen “Hey it doesn’t work”.

It was also help if they specified what actually does work. Specifically. Chunks of the Garmin functionality was missing in FSX but at least you knew what was supposed to work.


Nearly 400 hours in FS20 so far, and only once did I think of FSX in any way, which was the replay function. Otherwise, FSX is but a hazy memory that I care nothing about.

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Really? Apart from the graphics MSFS is a massive downgrade from FSX. Even the FSX Garmin 1000 was way more functional than the MSFS one, there is a greater variety of planes, offset approaches, no bearing pointers / RMIs pointing to localizer antennas, the flight model at least had some form of propeller slipstream effect, turboprop engine model which is at least useable, useable flight director with autopilot OFF, possibility to accurately adjust visibility / RVR. Remove the amazing graphics and there is not much to be excited about from a simulation perspective. The sad part is that I haven’t seen any of the basics being fixed since release, its mainly world updates, night lighting and snow


You are spot on!
Give FSX some modern textures, shadows, lighting and ambient occlusion and its still a solid sim in 2020. Right now that’s all MSFS is over FSX imo
is better eye candy and better optimized software for modern hardware. The folks blowing off FSX are the very same people who lacked any real knowledge and skill of getting the most out of FSX and grew frustrated at it. They need things handed to them for satisfaction because they sucked at tweaking and modding. So MSFS is a great out of the box experience for that particular crowd. As I’ve stated before
 no new sim is a modern replacement for an older sim, they are all different sim experiences that can still be enjoyed together. MSFS cannot replace XP11 nor FSX and I don’t feel it ever will.

There are some improvements, the weather system although bugy, is still way better than FSX (apart from visibility / RVR control). Otherwise I hope it will improve, so far not much has changed to the fundamental flaws present from release. Important bugs get completely buried below eye-candy posts like “we want trains”. Meanwhile posts about the flight director lateral mode not working on any MSFS aircraft when the autopilot is OFF is not voted up. I guess its the downside of having such a broad audience, most people are indeed interested in pretty graphics and VR while flying over their house or upside-down under a bridge

You need to understand. Your wants and needs aren’t necessarily being undermined by other features. The VR staff assigned to get it released on a timely manner probably have nothing to do with fixing core bugs and issues with the sim. The idea of this tug of war between the Asobo staff to focus on and prioritize certain things based on what these forums dictate is quite foolish and silly honestly.
Different development staff members do different things on different deadlines.
The whole “pretty graphics and fly over my house crowd” divisive rhetoric is getting quite old also.
There is no one correct or proper, serious way to fly a broad open world multi featured flight simulator.


I guess you are right, still if bugs gets upvoted they will probably get the needed attention sooner. Most of those bugs are too technical for most people unfortunately so they’ll probably never receive the required votes to end anywhere in the top. The way things are now I’m not sure the Asobo team aeronautical knowledge extends much beyond PPL level. Anyway, time will tell