I would like to hear the Fenix Airbus barking

Hello pilots,

as some of you know the Airbus shows affection and interest into the PMDG 737 by friendly barking:

And I would like to make this sound with the Fenix Airbus.
Can anyone please tell me what to do to to make the Airbus create this sound?
It´s about one engine out (or switched off again) and the PTU switching on (or off I don´t know) or something like that, but I don´t know what to do exactly in the cockpit and what hydraulics lines must be shut off and which ones must be powered to make this cool sound.

Can the Fenix be a goooood boy too? :smiley:

If I’m not mistaken, in the Fenix the PTU sound is already audible if you switch to the fixed camera mode from the interior window just above the wings. They’re not really audible in the cockpit in real life, so Fenix is pretty realistic in this manner.


Ah I will try that! And what is to do to make the PTU bark like the gooood doggy she is?

I think this happens after shutting off one engine and also the electric pump of that hydraulics line, while keeping the PTU on for pressure build-up or something like that… I don´t know.

You can manually turn on the PTU on the overhead panel. Then switch to camera view Ctrl + 0 and enjoy the barking.

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The PTU is an hydraulic pump (not electrical, not engine driven, purely hydraulic) whose purpose is to take over when either Green or Yellow hydraulic circuit pressure differential is above 500PSI (Delta P> 500 PSI difference) and to pressurize the opposite circuit using pressure from the “good” one. The PTU is inhibited during first engine start and automatically tested during the second engine start.

And I do confirm, the PTU is NOT heard from the cockpit, since the PTU pump is located in the underbelly bay near the MLG, hence nearly 13 meters from the cockpit.
Never heard it at work…

Just tried on the Fenix;
One has to be in the cabin, nearby the wings exits, and start/stop ENG 1 with ENG 2 running (and no parking Brake), or with both engines running, turn OFF one of the engine HYD pumps (contrary to what @Supermuskox said there is no switch for turning the PTU ON, the PTU pushbutton position is either AUTO or OFF)

You can then hear the PTU in the cabin


You could make it even more authentic by doing the “barking” and then move the rudder side to side. :wink: :grinning:

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Should’ve checked up in the plane before I typed that message. Thanks for the correction!

The button I was referring to was the ‘ELEC PUMP’ button. As MaisCordage76 has said, the PTU will work to equalise pressure between the Green and Yellow systems. Turning on the ELEC PUMP will pressurise only the Yellow system. If nothing is powering the green system the PTU will activate and it should give you near constant barking in the cabin.

Why do you want the Fenix to make this sound?

Hahaha! But the Fenix is only wagging it´s tail rudder when seeing another Fenix. It never does this when meeting a Fly by Wire or a PMDG… :smiley:

So that´s the solution of this riddle. PERFECT! Under normal circumstances I would never do this because I am way to lazy to start my engine a second time while rolling on the runway, but I will try that at least once to hear the PTU sound… :smiley:

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But is the PTU connected to the blue system in a real Airbus? I thought only an electric pump or the RAT is driving the blue system because it´s fully independend from the yellow and green system?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ah here are some interesting explainations, but I still wonder how a PTU looks on the inside.
More like a cylinder exchanging pressure like a piston pump, or like a car turbocharger where one hydraulic system is spinning a turbine and on the same axle sits another wheel that is designed the same way but functioning as pump in the other hydraulic system?

If Fenix modeled accurately, which I believe it does, the A320 PTU runs a self-test after starting the second engine. Regardless of which one you started first. You will also see the ECAM memo confirm it is running as well.

Ah yeah, oops… Yep, that’s correct. I’ll correct the correct the previous message.

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