I9 13900K RTX 3090 low frame rate

I think in this config somewhere you upscale to that crazy high resolution which leads to high RAM usage.

On my last try, i didnt used lossless and this resolution was still there.
It has to he something else. I will continue the search tomorrow and will tell you!

Hopefully i get this managed!

Did you mess with your user config file and change the post render scaling there?

For the resolution issue, the post one: have a look into Nvidia control and see if there is any scaling happening.
Your fps seems pretty good now @ 70. Nice!


If nothing helps, try to reinstall Flight simulator. That could also solve the problem and your settings should be still there. But in any case make photos of your graphic settings, just in case. Controller settings are stored in the cloud.

Cheers and have a nice Sunday!

Delete your usercfg.opt file and let the sim generate a new one. You may wish to keep a note of your sim settings beforehand as you will have to set up again.

This will allow the sim to start fresh with a new config without the need to reinstall.

Also don’t use any scaling programs while you try and figure the post resolution out for now.

This is it. Because of the last dlss version I changed the SecondaryScaling from 1 to 2, so this extinguish the ghosting at the speed tape etc (Saw this on a video). I changed it now back to 1 and the post resolution is now good.

Here is a picture now. No dlss (because there is now the ghosting effect back). I use TAA with a render refering to my resolution:

Now post res is good and the RAM went down to 34.500. Its a good result, but still above my RAM capacity of 32.000. I’ve lovered the settings to achieve that. Only the clouds are now on Ultra, nothing else. I have to figure out, how to reduce even more the ram usage. Meaybe I will try later to delete the usercfg to see what will happen.

thank you all for your advices!!! It’s almost solved!


I’m glad that my suggestions along with others were helpful.
Though, it seems like you didn’t implement all of them, right? You mentioned having a 165Hz monitor and if you enabled V-Sync with a 33% refresh rate cap, the FPS shouldn’t exceed 60. Yet, you mentioned you’re getting 70 FPS :wink:

Anyway, I have good news for you - I managed to reproduce the issue you’re experiencing.

Please upload your UserCfg.opt file to an online platform such as the free service WeTransfer,and share the download link here in your reply.


Ahhh, after a longer coffee break and not refreshing the thread, I missed that you already recalled the SecondaryScaling line – that’s exactly how I managed to reproduce the issue you had. Well, instead of drinking coffee, I could have pointed it out to you right away :rofl:

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So…after some finetuning etc. I have mange to stabilize the FPS to about 70 (FenixA320, Simwings EDDH, Gate 9, Real Weather) with almost on ultra (except of AI Traffic to off, grass/rocks/trees to high), TLOD 150, OLOD 200 and DLSS Performance (with usercfg, secondary scaling to 1,50000).

I also tried several setting on the new nvidia-app and the best result for me is (under graphics and global): DSR-factor to 1.78; 2.25 smoothness to 60%, Shader cache size to unlimited, vsync on. everything else on default.

I will try also tonight, if the new driver will released, the new dlss 4 function.

The think i couldnt manage is the ram usage. Still about 39 of 32. ordered now new ram 2x32Gb.
I thought, if I delete the cache of the sim, it could fix the problem, but I couldnt find the folder to do so and I’m not sure if could help with the ram. Seems that on my system it would be always near the limit, so I decided to upgrade the ram.

So I would say, except of the ram, my problem is solved!

Thank you all for the support and teaching me new stuff regarding the optimisation of the software!

Hello here. Your setup should be good enough for ambitious settings in the pancake world. 60fps should be possible without any AI magic.

Some optional suggestions:

Turn off hyperthreading. I have it allways off and it works much better to me.
Look at your turboboost settings. MSFS is still (almost) single threaded. Set everything so that one or two cores are maxed out.
Turn off efficency cores, they are actually (almost) useless for MSFS.
8 powercores with some kick in the right place will deliver better. Without the heat from the ecores the pcores can be pushed bettter.
Use process lasso to assign MSFS to specific cores. Windows will usually use cores 1 and 2 mostly. If you assign MSFS to pcores 3-8 only MSFS will not try to run his mainthread on the same cores as Windows itself. This reduces stutters/fps low.

Just play around with this, if there is no impact just turn it back, if so → :crazy_face: :airplane:

Good luck

Thank you very much!

So I can set all these settings with your suggested software, called process lasso?
So I dont have to do any actions in the bios?

I had an i913900K along with an RTX 4090 and I agree that MSFS ran better with E-cores and HT disabled. Additionally, I also disabled virtualization in the BIOS.
I didn’t need Process Lasso - what for? Intel is not AMD.

Ok, i will try it out on the bios with HT off and looking for the e-cores.
Is there any good tutorial with the cores? Asking because i dont want to mess it up.

Thank you!

Motherboard manufacturers use different names for the option to disable E-cores. Check your motherboard manual or search Google for your specific motherboard model along with “how to disable E-cores” to find the correct setting.

Do as much as possible in the bios. process lasso is a helpful and interesting tool, it doesnt harm to have a look at it.