I9 13900K RTX 3090 low frame rate

Hi there,

I’m new here and its my first post. I’m not an expert by tweaking the hardware etc, so please be patient with me. Since I’m a commercial Pilot, I’m enjoying to spent some time flying around and fly some specific scenarios with the simulator on my free time.
I’m struggling a long time now to fix this issue with the framerates on MSFS 2024.
I tried everything to get some fps but nothing helped. I’m getting about 25 fps on the ground (decent airports like EDDH, EDDK etc. and Fenix A320) and about 35 fps on cruise. On landing its getting even worse with 2-3 stutters slighly before touchdown at 100fts and about 18-20 fps.

My settings are set regarding this guide:

I’ve turned off all the airport settings because I’m flying mainly on VATSIM and I’m using DLSS 3.10.1 with the setting on performance. FPS are not locked (nowhere, I’ve checked it several times on NVidia app etc).

My Sytem:

CPU: i9 13900K
GPU: RTX 3090 (undervolted at 1850MHz)
RAM: 32Gb DDR5 6000
Power: 1000W

Here is also a picture of the FPS:

I hope you can help me out with my issue and let me know if you need any additional infos.

what else is running on your system? something else must use a lot of RAM.
your system uses 48GB of 32GB available based on that screenshot.

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Please include screenshots of all your graphic settings in your response.

Thank you for your answers!
As soon im on my system again, I will upload my ingame settings.

When I’m running the flight sim I’m running also:

  • MSI Afterburner
  • Navigraph
  • vPilot
  • Pegasus ACARS
  • Lossless Scaling

At least these are the app that I know are running, I can upload also a picture from the Tasks Bar of Taks Manager.

Thank you again!!

both would be good.

here it shows you render and display at 3440x1440 but have some post effects at double that resolution.

I have a similar system to you i5-13400F rtx 4060. I am getting 40 to 60 fps on ultra. 1920 x 1080. Do you have the nvidia app. If not download it and check you have the latest drivers. My card has two sets of drivers, 1 is set for games, and the other is set for video editing etc. Make sure you have downloaded the games one. Both drivers will work but the games package is aimed for gamers. I have the 40xx so I am not too sure if it is the same for 30xx series being an earlier card. The App also will see you have msfs2024 and will have recommended settings for that card for max performance. If you choose you can apply those settings to the sim and it will run the sim with those settings when you load the game. No need to go into the display menu in sim and change it. It will also save your old settings in the app if you want to go back. Doing this will give you the best settings for your card.
Personnally I suspect you have stuff running in the background using up your RAM.

Thank you for the advice!
I have the NVidia App and the newest driver installed. I also saw the section with MSFS 2024 and the recommended settings. I will post later pictures with the actual and recommended, they are almost the same.

I took some pictures of the running tasks on taks manger. There are a lot of tasks, but since I’m not an experct, I didnt wanted to touch enything, because I’m affraid to mess it up by closing some tasks. On idle, the RAM usage is about 35%.
Here are the pictures:

And regarding the resolution. I have the Samsung Odyssey G5 (LC34G55TWWPXEN). The resolution of 3440x1440 is the only resolution I manged to have a good picture. If I turn it down, everything is quite bigger and not so sharp. for example, the text is much bigger (fat letters etc). I will post later also for this two pictures to compare it.

What DandierPrawn292 said…it lokks like something is Upscaling your resolution to 6880x2880.
I´ve had a similar problem where the Render Scale buged itself out and was upscaling to a higher resolution even it was telling me i´m using a render scale of 100. I managed to fix this by lowering my renderscale and put it back to 100. Also make sure Lossless Scaling is not Upscaling your Resolution.


@Triple7SD I’ve tried this with render scaling, but no results. I dont know why the Post Resolution is 6880x2880??

Here are now my settings (sorry, but its on german)

One thing, which I figuered out is, that I’ve installed framegen, although I dont have a RTX40series, and the FPS went up to 50-55!
But the RAM is still confusing me! How can I get rid of this CPU Mem and get limited by Main Thread??

Here a pic with FrameGen on. :

Here is also a pic from Task Manager when FS2024 is running:

So you use framegen AND losslesss scaling together?

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Try to turn Raytracing Shadows (Schatten) off. Should give you a nice boost in FPS. I know it looks really good but it isn’t worth the performance impact.


And close Chrome when your playing. And for the ram turn the Buildings (Gebäude) down to high. And you can try to lower everything from ultra down to high except clouds.

I have a 1080ti and a i7 7700k oc @ 5ghz and get around 45-55 FPS with the Fenix on an intensive airport without traffic with framegen mod. With GA planes it is between 55-75 FPS.

And find out what it is all about that post resolution!

I will try to turn off the Raytracing Shadows and will inform you!

When I have FrameGen on, I dont use LossLess. I’ve actually put FrameGen for in the Sim and gave a try. Have to do a flight with it to see how its performing. But the FPS are good with this.

Now, as I said, I try to fine tune for the RAM and to see what this post resolution actually is?

Thank you guys! I hope I will manage this!

@Orestis1987 Here is probably your issue. What is your lossless scaling config? you probably upscale the resolution there…

I also see you have HDR disabled. Are you using nvidia filters (alt-z)?

I don’t use losless scaling, but used DLSS swapper to the latest version.
here my settings, running FPS locked at 70 in nvidia display. using native resolution and HDR (4090, 13900K)

Anyway you need more RAM.

First and foremost, we test MSFS without any file modifications, add-ons such as airports, aircraft, etc. and also without any background applications running, such as MSI Afterburner, Lossless Scaling, etc.

1 For testing purposes, you should rename Community folder to something like Community_Copy and then create a new empty folder named Community

2 Restore the original DLSS file nvngx_dlss.dll, as on some configurations modifying this file can negatively impact performance and FPS.

3 Uninstall NVIDIA app and restart PC. Nvidia app as is unnecessary and can negatively impact gaming performance. Only the driver should be kept.

4 Test MSFS without any third-party applications, including but not limited to: Lossless Scaling, VATSIM, ACARS, FSUIPC, Spadnext, AAO, Mobiflight, MSI Afterburner, etc.
Only MSFS should be running.

5 Launch MSFS.
You should select VSync and 33% Monitor Refresh Rate in the graphics settings - save changes.

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I also use the framegen mod over lossless scaling. It works better in my opinion. I am also using TAA as I don’t see much improvements in fps with DLSS. And it’s all clearer in my opinion.

But I am also using 1440p with 90% scaling for TAA on a 4k monitor. A big one, I think 43 or so. But even in 1440p it all looks crisp to me.

I also found out that resolution was one of the biggest impacts on fps. At 4K I am getting half the fps. But you should definitely see more fps with your setup.

Try to switch to TAA and lower the scale to like 90% and see if that is okay for you. That should also get rid of that post resolution…maybe.


Thank you for sharing. I will try some out!

With TAA and lowering the scale was a good boost. Also turned the buildings and grass to high. Now I’m getting about 70fps (Fenix A320/EDDH Simwings)

Im testing without the modification apps (MSI, LossLess etc) but with the Addons. If I cant figure out about the RAM issue I will give it a shot when I will have more time! Thank you!

So…FPS are now about 70. The post resolution still is there with 6880x2880 and the ram is now at 39k of 32k. I dont know how I can change this post resolution, which probably is causing the ram-usage. I dont know any other ways to drop down the ram and I dont want to buy now 2 new rams (2 x 32gb)

check your lossless scaling config: or just disable it…

When I’m using it, I use this LS1 and I have the sharpening bar almost to max.
Saw a good tutorial on Youtube.

But with FrameGen, i wont us it I guess.

But thank you!