It’s not so much that it’s “broken”… the panel only does what it’s supposed to do…flc and ias are (from my limited knowledge), basically the same thing? But they are not labelled the same in different aircraft systems? The panel only has an ias button, so any system that it’s labelled as flc will not operate using this button.
The AP can be triggered on and off using the button on the panel though.
Also, if you really want the ias button to operate flc control, you can use something like to set all the buttons to whatever you like.
Personally, I couldn’t get on with, because I couldn’t find how to have EVERY button always synced with the sim on my other panels too…e.g. if the sim is showing beacon on and nav on at the start of a flight, even if both switches are physically off… you’d think that switching SOMETHING on the panel would then sync up all the buttons so that the sim matches the panels… but I found that, in the example above… if I switch the physical button for beacon to ON, that button then worked and matched the sim… but the nav light button is still ON in the sim… even if the physical switch is still OFF.
Found that very confusing and not really workable… what’s the point in having physical buttons if they don’t ALL sync up with the sim?
Anyway, that’s my rant over regarding
But yeah, it’s still a great panel. Makes switching ap on and off very simple, you can also easily switch nav mode, vs mode, hdg mode, approach mode etc. The trim wheel is a great addition if you don’t have another trim wheel and the flaps level is also nice to have.
I have 2 touch screens for using an in flight sat nav like a g1000 or whatever, but I still usually use this panel for setting target alt and vs. Its a great bit of kit, especially if you’re going down the logitech build, because the panels all stack together.
Despite it’s small drawback with the ias button and lack of customisation without 3rd party software which in my experience doesn’t work properly… it’s still worth having in your setup I’d say.
Plus, only other route really would be to start building your own button boxes I guess?