[ICE333] SunDay FunDay 6-23-24

We have found on the "Bucket Brigade Tours, that there will be places around the world that we will want to return to and/or see. Sundays will provide the opportunity for us to see those places up close and slow! Join us for the FuN as we explore Rivers & Roadways around the globe!

This week we are flying Chico Muni (KCIC) to Westover-Amador Co (KJAQ).
VFR Chico Muni (KCIC) to Westover-Amador Co (KJAQ).pln (11.9 KB)

For our Xbox Console flyers, we will fly these ICAOs this week…

Or, you can open LittleNavMap in your browser with this plan…
VFR Chico Muni (KCIC) to Westover-Amador Co (KJAQ).lnmpln (7.2 KB)

You may also wish to download this scenery…

Wheels (Skids) up at 1300 EST. Click here to find your local time…

Server - South East Asia
Multiplayer Setting - All players
Suggested Time - Live (Your Choice)
Suggested Weather - Live (Your Choice)
Aircraft - Low and Slow (Your Choice)
Liveries - Default Preferred (Your Choice)

Please Note, If you want to see me in my helicopter and custom livery instead of a generic aircraft, you can download my livery from here…

Join us for All the latest information on this Discord Server…

and join us for live comms in the HYPE Discord Vocal Channel here…

View the Twitch Stream at…

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