That’s Right! We are back with the SunDay FunDay flights on Twitch & in Hype Performance Group’s Discord. We will once again be assembling for a few hours each week to fly “generally” Low & Slow, usually following Rivers & Roadways around the world.
This week we fly MT Everest today. Come along!
We will fly these ICAOs today… VNKT VNLK VQPR
You may load this flight plan…
IFR Tribhuvan International Airpor (VNKT) to Paro (VQPR).pln (4.9 KB)
Or use this to edit LttleNavMap…
IFR Tribhuvan International Airpor (VNKT) to Paro (VQPR).lnmpln (3.3 KB)
Wheels (Skids) up at 1200 EST. Click here to find your local time…
Server - South East Asia
Multiplayer Setting - All players
Suggested Time - Live (Your Choice)
Suggested Weather - Live (Your Choice)
Aircraft - Low and Slow (Your Choice)
Liveries - Default Preferred (Your Choice)
And, do join us for live comms in the HYPE Discord Vocal Channel here…
View the Twitch Stream at…