Icing doesn't affect aircraft characteristics

There is only visual icing now despite the settings. I’ve tried different aircraft, even the manual weather settings. Nada. One can even take off into known icing conditions with pitot heat turned off — it basically doesn’t matter anymore. Is this a bug or was it dumbed down deliberately for those who can’t change the settings? :smirk:

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For how long did you fly in clouds?
AFAIK the only thing that has been changed is that the ice accretion has been slowed by a factor of 10 or even more.
If you still have an airspeed indication there’s no icing.

For around 30 minutes with pitot heat off. I even tried to set some sort of freezing rain, my windshield and wings got iced over with no apparent effect on the aircraft. According to other posts, I’m not the only one with such problem.

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You have visual icing but still an airspeed indication? Which aircraft?

Justflight Piper Arrow, JPLogistics C152.

Suggest to test with a default aircraft for troubleshooting and/or with an empty/renamed community folder.

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Thank you! It worked. The strange part is that it works after renaming the community folder back. Or maybe cycling through icing settings helped (just like with FDE)