Icon A5 sound insulation doesn't work, references TBM 930 incorrectly?

The Icon A5 is loud compared to much more powerful planes, nonetheless I should be able to change this via the sound.xml file - but none of the edits made have any impact and by default there is incorrect coding that references the TBM 930 instead of the Icon A5.

It could be they were just lazy and didnt change the name of the sound.

Could be, but the files in the folder reference Icon.

For clarification, this plane is very loud inside the cockpit.


The “ShareSetInside” attribute is used to define which “ReverberationPreset” is used for the plane.
For the Icon A5, this is the same impulse response as the TBM930. But sounds and packages are different between TBM930 and Icon A5.
You can find a list of all available reverbs here :

About the insulation parameters, Insulation_ExitClosed and Insulation_ExitOpen attenuate all the outside sounds. Meaning that all the sounds that are routed in the Outside Busses in the Wwise project (you can find a sample of the Wwise project in the SDK).
For engine sounds, different sounds are used for Inside and Outside viewpoints, and are thus not affected by the Insulation attributes.

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This is great information, in your opinion is there any way I can reduce the cockpit sound at all without creating custom sounds with the volume reduced?

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