Ideas for DLC's!

For a bit of fun…

What kind of DLC’s would you guys like to see in the sim in the future?

I’m interested to see what ideas you guys have!
Lets put them in this thread (perhaps Microsoft will see and get some ideas themselves! :wink:)

Here are a few things I’d love to see:

Helicopter / Mountain Rescue DLC

With the imminent release of helicopters for the sim, I think this could open up some excellent challenges.
Imagine racing through the mountains to find a stranded climber in a remote mountain valley, going by a vague description of the area, battling a snow storm, ferocious winds, (and the clock!), to winch them off a precarious mountain ridge, then flying them to a hospital before it’s too late.

  • A physical implementation of a winch that reacts to wind/the environment would be brilliant.
  • Of course, this would be much better with high resolution, custom mountain/environment meshes and environments

Red Bull Air Races DLC

Surprised this wasn’t considered before Reno. To me, it feels like Red Bull races would translate to the simulator better than Reno.
The gates are tighter, the Extra is super sensitive, providing what feels like a more skill based and technical challenge than Reno (some may, of course, disagree there!)
Other benefits include:

  • Can have many different locations and courses across the world that would provide more interest and variety
  • No need for live multiplayer or waiting in lobbies, you can do the time trial yourself, and see how you rank up in the leaderboards

Virtual Blue Angels / Red Arrows / Tricolori / etc. DLC

How often have you wanted to feel like a part of a world-famous aerobatics team?
This mode could let you experience that!

  • This mode would having you flying alongside an AI formation
  • It would allow you to hone your formation and aerobatic skills without need or stress of multiplayer or joining a dedicated team
  • This could start with very simple training, from straight and steady flight, turns, circuits, all the way through to world class performances.
  • You would learn about different manoeuvres, procedures, with a set of tutorials (perhaps an option to fly along as passenger, before attempting the display yourself)
  • Having the callouts read out by actual members of the teams would very cool
  • Visual markers in the sky could aid with practice
  • This would give the jets in the game a sense of purpose

There are, of course, many more ideas such as “Forest fire fighting”, “air to air refuelling” with jets, etc. etc. The possibilities seem endless!

Interested to hear what ideas you guys have!

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I’d be all in for a Fix Core Sim Issues and Add Missing Basic Sim Functionality Before Adding More Mini-Games DLC.


If we really believe what they said in the most recent q&a, they’re pivoting that way this year.

They said that prior to launch, really selling the “sim for simmers” angle. They repeated that through 2021 in every Q&A as well. And yet we’re still waiting for much of it to actually happen.

That said, I’m hopeful that now that the Xbox version is out and Reno is being forgotten by pretty much everyone that they’ll be going that route this year. So far the road map looks good. But we’ll have to see.

Although I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve got a good degree of skepticism. It’s just a matter of time before someone in the MS marketing department who doesn’t actually play the game gets hit by the good idea fairy and comes up with some new paid DLC idea they want to shoehorn into the sim to make more money.


A Hot Air Balloon DLC would be great.


Aren’t the local legends just that? Flight model of a balloon and hot air regarding features.


This thread was meant to be a lighthearted bit of hypothetical fun, talking about what might be cool to see in the next 10 years that MS has in the roadmap for this sim.
A bit of a distraction from the usual negativity.

Just trying to lighten this place up a bit, but clearly that’s hard to do here!


If you want red bull style sorta racing suggest checking out the orbx fun with friends addon released today may interest you.


It’s cool. I was adding a big of sarcastic humour to the thread. Although serious as well. I don’t believe that moving furniture into a house that’s still being built is good for either the construction crew or the house occupants.

Honestly, I would like to (eventually) see a career mode. It would be nice to have that natively in the sim vs having to use a 3rd party app. Something that can add purpose to flying vs simply randomly flying around, pointless broken bush trips and landing challenges, and competitive racing without any form of anti-cheat.


Yes I saw that, does look interesting. Will have a more thorough look, thanks!
If they could replicate the real life locations, courses and rules of the Red Bull races, I think that could be pretty cool :slight_smile:

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Yeah fair enough mate, I totally agree that the core issues of the sim are the priority, no doubt about that.
It feels like MS are putting more focus on that with the upcoming Sim Update which is positive.
The general trend is positive, I’m sure another year or two and we’ll have a very mature and fantastic platform to build content upon.
I agree that a career mode of sorts would be great, and would give much more purpose to flying airliners.


Not just airlines, but bush trips, air taxi, MedEvac, search & rescue, cargo delivery, regional routes, etc. That to me would be the best bridge between this being both a successful simulator (assuming the aforementioned underlying issues are dealt with) and a game for those that want to have fun flying but not taking it too seriously.


My vote would be for a Classic McDonald Douglass Jetliners DLC would be awesome with some DC and MD series aircraft

Because that could give us some very cool aircraft like The DC9 30, DC10, MD11, and MD90 and that selection would would be really amazing to fly

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i would pay for a dlc with somehing like neofly or airhauler but totally ingame so it
can be on xbox too. and yes i know, not gonna happen haha.

My other idea’s was a light sport aircraft dlc and regional aircraft dlc plus the Cessna 162 would be awesome to fly along with other light sports like the pj II dreamer

remake all fsx missions with same ac what had same avionic, same sound and weather, everything exactly like in fsx missions except modern implementation


This one would be a tough one to develop.

“UFO/UAP, Oddities’ and Anomalies”

Pilots throughout history report of having freak things happen like instrument failures flying through particular “Hotpots”. Yes I’m talking Bermuda and Dragon Triangles for example. Some never come back, we know the stories. The add on would have to be RNG based of course. A few people from MUFON and the like could help compile a list of Hotpots to where the likelihood of weird stuff could occur. You could get harassed by Foo Fighter style glowing orbs, right down to the Tick Tack style craft and even the infamous Black Triangle type TR3B and Aurora style.

Imagine being at over FL400 at around Mach 2 and something decides to play games with you and outta nowhere accelerates well into the Hypersonic.


Jump Pilot DLC
Where you get to fly different rather knackered A/C types from C172s to Islanders, Porters, Caravans, Twin Otters or even DC3s to their limits, dropping varying loads of meat missiles ‘on target’ as much as possible in different scenic locations round the world.
Yes, I am that dull :slight_smile:

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My suggestion for new DLC would be a highly detailed package of airfields in a region inclusing the surroundings with custom scenery. This could be an island group or part of a country. In a way Aerosoft gets it right with their Antarctica scenery. The idea is to get totally immersed by the local atmosphere. There should some challenging airstrips and opportunities for short bush flights. I remember FSDG released a Seychelles scenery for FSX in the old days. That was a really cool package, although every island looked similar. My advice: make every destination unique to makenit rewarding to fly there.

Well until MS comes up with something you can have a look at that :slight_smile: