Identifying live traffic and other players?

Hi all, can someone tell me how i can distinguished between a live traffic aircraft and another player when flying? (i have both option active), here a reference screenshot!

and where i can set my name and code so that another players can identify me?

Thanks for your feedback!

Those two are most likely real live traffic because they use official flight numbers.

You can distinguish players usually because:

  • they have nicknames, not “ASJ791”. Players are usually called “johnny77” or “yellowcatsrule” or stuff like that.
  • they have real aircrafts mentioned under their name, not “Gen” for “generic”. You’ll see A20N and CJ4 etc mentioned under real players’ names.

That’s my method!


Also, AI traffic usually complies to traffic rules.



To piggyback on the original question:
It seems that some traffic shows up on the MFD and some does not. Sometimes I clearly see traffic outside my window that does not appear on the MFD and vise-versa. I can’t figure out the scheme. Does the MFD display only live and AI traffic or does it display players as well?

Live / AI Traffic shows up on your MFD, VFR map, and external tools like LIttle NavMap. Other players don’t. If you see a plane out your window that doesn’t show up on your map, it’s another real player. If it shows up, it’s AI / Live traffic.

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Great response. Thanks so much!