Identifying towns and landmarks

Is there a way to identify towns you’re flying over?

Currently in the sim, no. There are plenty of external applications that couple with MSFS and show your plane over an openstreetmaps / google maps chart.

My favourite is LittleNavMap, but that is a fairly substantial app with loads more functionality (including flight planning, logbooks etc). There are simpler apps as well.


If you have glass cockpit with G3000 moded… you can.

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VFR sectional map, and use pilotage (takes a lot of practice).

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I find VFRmap a useful little tool, though I’ve yet to try LittleNavMap which I have also downloaded

Sure. Fly low and read the name off their water tower !


been there… done that!

What if they dont have one? LOL.

Fly the TBM with the G3000 mod and town names appear on the map. A brilliant feature.

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No quite the same topic, but can anyone tell me, if there is a program which saves GPX track of a flight in MSFS just like in real life? So I can later see it in Google Earth for example…

Tacview is able to record and later show data out of various real life equipment, and flight simulators. There’s a free version, as well as a payware version. After first install, you get a 30-day trial of the full paid version, but after that, you can continue to use the free version indefinitely, albeit without some of the functionalities.

I don’t know if it reveals the name because I’ve never had it on, but there is a way to identify cities.

Options/Assistance/Navigational Aids

I have it turned on but get no city names. It does not work.