IF they had TOLD US we needed the XBox App before WU6

If you read the info above, the xbox app has little to do with the xbox. Note that it is designed specifically to support PC gaming and act as a launcher etc.

I cannot understand why everyone is concerned and upset about this.

  1. I’m not actually sure the xbox app is required to update the sim yesterday - but certainly those having problems getting the update found that loggin out and back in or installing the xbox app triggered the update

  2. Even if it is required, it is no different to needing the MS Store or Steam or any other games launcher (e.g. Origin, Epic Games Launcher, Ubisoft Launcher, GOG etc)

  3. It is a helpful thing - e.g. you can save replays to it, contact friends who are playing etc

  4. You can always uninstall it

  5. It has NOTHING to do with the console version or some alleged hidden agenda to somehow turn your PC into an xbox. Xbox is Microsofts gaming brand - e.g. Xbox Game Pass applies whether you are using an xbox or PC - it’s not called PC Game Pass.