So I just got jacked by landing and having my landing gear “malfunction” while landing. Usually all you do is stop and it ends the mission, yet this time it just kept telling me to exit runway.
I tried everything and was just about to abort ANOTHER 2 hours of my life, with nothing to show for it, when I decided to exit the plane. First I inspected the landing gear and tires. Tires bad, gear medium. Then I got back in and tried blasting the engines to see if I could scrape the darn 737 off the runway.
My last effort was to see if walking to the taxiway would trigger the ALT-N option, which it did, after penalizing me for entering a taxiway without clearance. Yet I could finish the mission get my $17 mill and roll the dice on another mission.
I just thought it might help someone else in the same boat. Its probably not likely with the 30 thousand other glitches that this will be seen by someone it might help, but oh well.