iFly 737 MAX is coming to MSFS

Done, snippets #13027 and 13028.


Since Christmas I haven’t unpacked my Streamdeck XL and I think the time has finally come to do it. Do I need any additional plugins for it to work or is Spadnext enough?

Spad.next natively supports Streamdecks, but only if you have their “Complete” edition. No need to install the Elgato software (I think?). I have a SD XL, SD Plus, and a SD Mini, and they all work.

Pro tip: Streamdecks require a lot of USB power. Plug them directly into USB3 ports on your PC if possible. I got frequent CTDs when I was going through low-power ports (and a USB switchbox), but mostly fixed that when I got a dedicated USB PCIe card.

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Thank you for the information. I have Complete edition so it’s great to know that Streamdecks are natively supported without additional software. I also really appreciate the tip about USB power - I’ll make sure to connect mine to a USB hub to avoid any issues.

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Just a hint for Stream Deck User: At Flightsim.to you will find quite a lot solutions for streamdeck profiles. If you are looking for free solutions (without AAO) search for PilotsDeck and related profiles.

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I’m flying the 738M against a 143 knot headwind, yet still managing to run into the red in the speed indicator at 36000 feet, stable N1 . Huh?

With a headwind that strong, that’s not really unexpected. What’s your cruise Mach number? Try bumping it down a bit.

Cost index 5 so Mach .78 and I can’t go much slower on the CI, the magenta marker for the FMC speed was at about 260 knots while the maximum airspeed was 285. My ground speed was 380. More than enough headroom, especially considering it was a headwind and not a tailwind. Now its pretty stable, I’m wondering if it was unreliable airspeed failure. Does Ifly simulate that?

An update from yesterday regarding FS2024 compatibility.

From their discord:

With the MSFS 2024 SU1 beta released, it allows us to get a step closer to MSFS 2024 compatibility… but it is imperative that you make no posts here regarding attempts to use the MAX8 in MSFS 2024, and especially make no posts regarding any issue regarding use in MSFS 2024. It causes the team to investigate, test, and waste valuable time. We want it out for MSFS 2024 as much as you do, but anything to distract the team will only slow down the update. Posts that appear to reflect MSFS 2024 usage of the MAX8 may be deleted by a mod without notice. When there is MSFS 2024 compatibility, you will definitely know. Note the MAX8 2020 change to the MRO category title. When a 2024 category appears, you will know it is OK to post. Thanks.


Nice, I will definitely buy this when it becomes available. Did not get it in MSFS2020 but here I will! :smiley: I want a new shiny Boeing!

Same, I’ve been flying Fenix only since November and it’s getting boring flying the same plane for so long :). I need Boeing airliner in FS2024 to add some variety to the game.

In my opinion the 737 is just a lot more fun to fly in the sim than the a320. More stuff to do and “worry” about during the flight.

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Yeah, I’m also eagerly waiting for this one to make its way to FS24. I’m starting to be fed up of Airbuses :slight_smile:


I keep FS2020 installed specifically for this plane and my PMDG fleet. Once they are all compatible with ‘24, I’m deleting and reclaiming that SSD space.


Well, at least Leonardo made my day and brought FS24 compatible version of their Maddog today. That makes my waiting for iFly’s and PMDG’s brilliant airplanes a little bit more bearable :slight_smile:


LOL, I was just thinking the same thing. I never went back to PMDG once I started with the Fenix but I think I’m starting to burn out on the A32X. Really hoping the MAX makes it over to 2024 soon. Otherwise, I hope we see the Aerosoft CRJ series get its (very) overdue update and hopefully make the jump. Despite Aerosoft’s horrid support for the CRJ, I still have fond memories of flying it. Something about a jet with no autothrottle / VNAV that made every flight a challenge.

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Yes, CRJ is a pretty good aircraft, born to do those short hops between charming american regional airports. I’m waiting for that too. Shame it doesn’t get the love it deserves.


I finally bought the ifly 737 max and overall have to say it’s quite good. 2 issues I have with it which are pretty major:

  1. It tends to overshoot turns when tracking the magenta line, then needs to wiggle its way back onto it over time. Not as bad as the AS CRJ but definitely noticeable

  2. Performance isn’t great. Is it flyable? Yes. Is it on par with the PMDGs or Fenix? No, it needs some serious optimization to bring it to those levels.

I quite like the cabin features but can’t be the only one who thinks resources used on opening overhead bins and flushable toilets is a waste, esp when I’m complaining performance is not great…

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Yeah with a little (or a bit more than a little :wink: ) optimization, this bird will easily be a top 2 or three bird in MSFS for a long time. Excellent system depth, handles very well, and is easy on the eyes. They really knocked it out of the park, and the cherry on top is the Boris sounds. If I had to choose one more feature to add, it would be a tablet-style EFB, but the simulated one is more than enough. Really cool dev, can’t wait for the 8-200 and Service Packs. I’m hoping they develop the MAX 9 to complete the package – and obviously the -10, once it is certified.

FWIW, the existing tablet in the aircraft is based on the real (early 00’s design) Boeing tablet that very few carriers still use today. But it does work pretty much the same as the “real thing” when the MAX was designed. I’d prefer a more modern solution but eh, it is what it is and I’ve gotten used to it now. It works, it’s … fine.

I don’t really care about that 8-200 variant but I am very much looking forward to SP1 and the FS2024 compatibility patch. I would hope they’ll someday to the -9, but they are being very noncomittal about it. Hopefully they’re just doing the radio-silent thing like they did in the first place, dropping the plane almost out of the blue. While the -10 once certificated, would also be cool, I personally want to see the -7. I know Southwest has a large fleet of aging -700s they are waiting to replace.