ILS capture problem LOWW

I just had an issue with default Cessna Longitude approach LOWW ILS rwy 16… LOC and G/S armed fine (white in PFD)… then LOC and G/S came alive but it just didn’t capture them with three attempts from different direction and different altitudes between 3000-5000ft. Just flew straight through. And I was between 2-4 miles before FAF to capture LOC first but didn’t do.

And just to clarify, I was flying online and I was vectored by ATC.

Not seeing the issue (see LOC and GS green and tracking in the screenshot). I didn’t do anything special. Set up for ILS 16 with a published approach from the north, and activated the approach prior to the IAP. Stayed at 5000’ (per the approach) Hit the APR button several waypoints from the FAF as the GS diamond started moving down. Everything locked and followed the GS down to minimums without issues.
The only thing I see different, is that you used vectors and I used a published approach just to see how it went.

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Oh ■■■■, might have found out what the issue was… when being vectored by ATC and HDG mode active, have to switch manually nav source from left side GTC panel to LOC1. So even those white dash line for localizer and white diamond for glide slope became alive in PFD while nav source was FMS, it didn’t capture them unless source was set as LOC1.