ILS Glide slope points to end of runway?

Hi there.
Have an issue where my ILS glide slope is pointing at the end of the runway rather than the TDZ.
All airports Ive tried. Even my little navmap ILS feathers show the tip of the ILS at the end of the runway.
Assume its a config issue. Any pointers much appreciated

I find in airports I fly into in MSFS, the ILS always intercepts the Touch Down point, adjacent to the runways ILS GS antenna.

Try for example e RWY 01 @ KDCA, that has both an ILS and a Rnav approach.

That’s not to say there may be some airport where this is incorrect… :woozy_face:

Rnav 's GS, will however, intercept the end of the runway.

Sorry should have been less ambiguous I meant the far end of the runway so a whole runway length wrong

One airport or all, and if only one, which?

Some have this issue, we can highlight it using the SDK, while editing scenery and displaying the ILS objects

Had a development today. Took the Asobo Baron into FLKK which is Lusaka international in Zambia and it was fine. Was also fine FAOR AND FALE Johannesburg and Durbam international respectiveky - in South Africa
My suspicion now is that it is the Asobo steam gauge cessna at fault as that was wrong at FLKK as well as two US airports which I forget now two days ago.

I will try again when I can to be sure and if I can replicate consistantly then I will report

C172 Classic Steam gauge, (without any MODS !! ) and what Airport / runway do you see this in a repeatable way ?
I would like to try to reproduce this, :wink:

The ILS feathers shown on Little Nav Map are pointing to the Localizer placed beyond the end of the runway centerline.Most of the times. There are exceptions with offsets from the centerline .

Correct – The LOCALIZER antenna is typically at the far end of the runway,


Try FLKK. Lusaka Zambia. Yes the stock steam gauge cessna 172.
Would very much like to know how you get on

Ok many thanks. Yes seems that is normal as a couple of airports I tried with G1000Nxi working fine.
As mentioned may just be the stock steam gauge cessna

Ok many thanks. Yes seems I was barking up the wrong tree there!
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