ILS landing route messed up

Any idea how would I able to ILS land without the final route being messed up? Setting the landing runway to auto is fine, however If I want to land at my chosen runway…

examples below:

we have asked Asobo exactly this question in their 3rd party developer forum because we also haven´t found any solution or any clear reason, what happened here why. We have tested a lot but we have found any logic in that.

Here the official answer from Asobo (3rd Party Dev Forum):

In short words:
It´s “per design” and you can´t do anything …


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I found a workaround, you should NOT select any runway for landing, enter STAR waypoints manually up to runway and tune ILS frequency in the MCDU.
Hope this will EVER get fixed

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I am new to theA320 Neo and still learning but I am having all sorts of issues with my approaches. I am using the latest flyby wire mod, adding the simbrief plan direct into the MCDU, checking the routes with my Navigraph charts and using the Navigraph plug-in. I do not enter the arrival or approaches until I pick up the ATIS for my destination airport.

I have no issues with SIDS they work perfectly. But STARS and arrivals seem problematic. Sometimes the displayed route omits the star altogether even though its in the MCDU flight plan.

Also when you have a DME ARC on the ILS you get a direct from the last point of the star. There is an option to pick a “via” in the MCDU but can only be the end points of the arc which often does not match the end point of the star. This results in a messy approach. This happens with the MSFS flight planner too. This does not happen on the Navigraph flight plan ( i.e. it seems to link the STAR and approach without having to fly the DME arc)

Also I cannot tidy these up as the CLR function does not work on approaches or STARS.

That’s what I’ve been doing, unless ATC says not cleared to land but hope the flight will be logged lol :frowning:

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