ILS no glidescope

I try again today at 2500 ft and everything worked great.

One other problem I found which may or may not have had something to do with it was my approach knob button. When I pushed it to turn it on the highlighted grey box would alway show off, most of the time very occasional would it show on. After further review the button would display on or off (LOC) on the display, At one point the highlight box did say but the display did not show it active. Lesson learned don’t believe the highlighted boxes.

You went to a lot of trouble thank you, It is very helpful.

Just in order to clarify and better help, a point which is not sure but we only guess, did you used the G1000 version ? If yes have you the NXi installed ?

Don’t miss to answer these points @deelee875568, in order for all to understand properly the real situation in this thread

The steps are :

  1. Ensure NAV Radios are set to the related runway ILS localizer frequency (which should be set automatically, if a proper Flight Plan have been prepared in the World Map, otherwise set it manually)

  2. Set at least VOR 1 course (CRS) to the heading of the ILS localizer

  3. On approach, fly level off at the appropriate altitude towards, at a max angle of about 30° to the ILS localizer heading

  4. When aligned to intercept, far before reaching the intercept course of ILS localizer, switch CDI from GPS to NAV (on the G1000 it should switch from GPS and magenta arrow to NAV 1 and green arrow). This will arm the autopilot to intercept the localizer heading. This is the first step before thinking of arming the APPR mode



  1. When the aircraft autopilot has intercepted the localizer heading and is now on straight forward flight (not rolling), arm the APPR mode

  2. Reduce throttle to lower speed reaching 70 - 75 kts and meanwhile, set one notch flaps at least when the speed is transitioning from higher speed to about 80 kts (accordingly to the white arc of the Airspeed Indicator showing the flaps operational area) Next, when reaching 70-75 kts, add one more notch flaps

GlideSlope tape and marker

  1. Manage throttle to maintain the GlideSlope horizontal needle or GlideSlope marker on the middle of the instrument (depending either on C172 Steam or C172 G1000)

For the mentioned “highlighted grey box”, did you mean this one ?

In this area named FMA for Flight Mode Annunciator, on step #4 “GPS” should be displayed at first, then when switching CDI, it should display “LOC”.

Around step #6 and #7, when the glideslope will be intercepted, it should display “GS”

Flight beginning

Switching to NAV Mode (LOC 1) and Localizer Mode armed


Localizer captured

APPR Mode active / on the GlideSlope

Acceptable Landing, watching only the internal G1000 PFD in the situation of the screenshots above, thanks to the synthetic vision when reaching the runway


Just checked all the KICT Approaches looks pretty much inconsistent, so we have to customize the Flight Plan before starting the flight and the best practice is to generate one then import it in the World Map, like shown using LittleNavMap or similar tool

A simpler method of engaging NAV mode is to do it before takeoff. Shortly after takeoff engaging AP will switch NAV on which will then follow the flight path. The VNAV feature of the G1000 NXI works extremely well and is a valuable assist on long flights, automatically descending to constrained altitudes at each waypoint. When arriving at destination, it seamlessly hands off control to the ILS approach at the faf waypoint.

I do use the updated NXi version. The grey box is the box that appears when the mouse arrow is over the different buttons or knobs.

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I did a flight tonight from KMC started with GPS changed flight plan to ILS 19R at ICT. I did come in at 2800 ft rather than 3600 ft and it worked perfectly.

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Did you mentioned KMCI Kansas City Intl for departure ?

If yes, I guess you got this or similar ?

I’m currently making a try on this one. While in flight on leg to ICT, I’ve loaded ILS 19R again with switching to transition HOVER, loaded and activated using default G1000. No change on the FPL display, though I will watch which will be the behavior and if the autopilot will take in account this new transition. I understand with the NXi, steps would be a bit more elaborate



Well, the Flight Plan editing, while in flight, using the default is a bit tricky, so I understand why most of simmers are using the enhanced NXi version

I will take more time to practice, as this appear to me a very interesting exercise, achieving with what’s in-sim default, just for my own knowledge and personal interest. At least, as we can’t undo actions on the default G1000, we have to pay attention before any mouse triggering.

I guess it would be easier for beginners and new comers, to choose the NXi way … :+1:

An important point to never miss, is to reduce throttle enough from level off speed, before starting to descent on glideslope and same apply when arming FLC mode, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to perform descent.

Just in time to arm APPR before reaching HOVER waypoint :wink: :

Nicely again on Glideslope :

I’ve re made an attempt, by showing LEGEND and setting to display FIX (ON setting), then added HOVER FIX manually

One point is I guess we’ll have soon to forget the initial default G1000 as stated by some, it looks like the NXi will become in-sim default G1000, though there’s seems also still some issue while using it with Bushtrips, so we perhaps have to deal again for some time with as also already mentioned below, until it will be fixed in the NXi ?!?

So, I’ve installed the NXi just at the moment and will have a look on all of this

Indeed far handy using the NXi (here with 0.12.2, last in-sim version, before next 0.14 from SU10)

This sounds perfect Pilote ! :man_pilot: :+1:

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