ILS plane not flying flight plan

Nope, you can have an issue where the button is turning off but the flight plan showing it as on for example, we need more information to help you.
And according to your title of the thread you are trying to fly an ILS? At FL400? Did you activate the Approach button by any chance?

You are confusing meā€¦


Does the AP1 not indicate that the AP is in fact turned on?

This image says to me that ā€¦

  • Autopilot 1 is engaged.
  • Flight Directors 1 and 2 are on
  • Autothrottle is engaged

The AP Modes areā€¦

  • Speed Selected
  • At selected altitude
  • NAV mode active.

Question for me is, what NAV source?

Stock A320 is only capable of using GPS (not VOR) as nav source afik

Well, there you go. Being an old Boeing guy, I probably only have 20 hours on the MSFS A320.

If that IS the case then the issue is weirder (if thatā€™s a word) than I thought.

What build of FBW are you using? Arenā€™t they rewriting the whole AP from scratch? Iā€™ve seen some wonky things in the dev build.

If you put the FP into LNM, and view your plane also on LNM, it follows the FP.
Its in MSFS, that the magenta line gets curved around Waypoints, and then plane does not follow the MSFS magenta curves.

You see thatā€™s my point actually, we arenā€™t able to see enough detail to see what that waypoint is and if he is in fact heading to the correct waypoint, we can see that the next waypoint is to 112 is 35nm out and he is tracking just right (as you noted he should be with the wind). So AP is engaged and AP is following NAV but the waypoint is not marked as a line, that happens with some of those weird infinite line waypoints. You couldnā€™t really tell without zooming out or knowing what all those wpā€™s mean.

And according to your title of the thread you are trying to fly an ILS? At FL400?

Heā€™s not the OP and I already addressed the OPs title is wrong (he obviously confused ILS with IFR) and that is what confused people off the bat.

Thatā€˜s an A320 apparently flying from LAX to LHR at N6235 which should be somewhere south of Island with a 115 HDG but with 4000 something NM to go at 39000 ft at M.84 with 10t of fuel with the altimeter not set to STD (not sure if even possible though in this version)ā€¦ yes there is something very wrong.

Not sure what you mean. In MSFS the nav source wouldnā€™t make any difference in determining your posiition.
If you mean nav mode, the real A320 canā€™t track VORs either.

Donā€™t understand. Thereā€™s no AP state info anywhere on the flight plan.

The real A320 canā€™t track VORs either. Weird, especially for us oldtimers.

So can the Nav source be incorrectly set or switched thus wandering off course with no data?

The real one uses all sources, GPS, IRS, VOR, DME, but you canā€™t track a VOR in the ā€˜classicā€™ way by pushing the NAV button.

No, thatā€™s not possible. You canā€™t switch the nav sources, except during an ILS approach.

That said, I would stay away from the A320, itā€™s not worth learning everything new and Iā€™ve never met any Boeing pilot who preferred an Airbus over a Boeing.

Afaik the NEO doesnā€˜t use INS butā€¦ internet disclaimer: ā€žI might be wrongā€œ.

However the FPLN page shows coming from N6240 to N6235 at a (ND) 115HDG. If I remember correctly the airbusā€˜s terminology translated N6235 to N62ā€˜00.0 W035ā€˜00.0 and London is at around 0Meridian. 35*60NM is something around 2100 so at a heading of 115 there is no way to explain why the FPLN says 4800NM to go. Iā€˜d check my route.

(Abd ask myself why I bring an A320 from LA to London :stuck_out_tongue: )

Edit: I swear I read ā€žINSā€œ somewhereā€¦ canā€˜t find it anymore head scratch

What does it use to determine its position? Just to make sure, thatā€™s the same as IRS in MSFS speech.

Not sure by all meansā€¦ I thought I read the Neo only used GPSā€¦

Just checked and the IRSs are used.

Quote from the FCOM.
two GPS receivers, which are connected to the IR part of the ADIRUā€™s for GP/IR hybrid position calculation.

IRS is not INSā€¦ INS is that vintage monster where you type in your fixes as coordinates and that gives you track error and GS etcā€¦ IRS is the reference system with these 3 fast spinning gyros with that horrible sound setting a Boeing pilot learns to ignore like a tinitus runs

No I think the problem of the OP is a faulty route. Iā€˜ve seen issues for example with the Aerosoft A330 incorrectly interpreting the route that was loaded from Simbrief due to this weird Airbus terminology. N6230 can be W030 or E030, if you only get the abbreviation it might draw a line to russia and back.