Ils with co-pilot on

It is fun to watch the plane taxi and takeoff from the rear of the Longitude every now and then

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Usually there might be some navaids issues for some airports. Itā€™s the reason why I get myself a Navigraph subscription so their navaids fixes a lot of the default navaids issue. One example is the ILS Localiser on all Chinese airports. They all off to the sides, and sometimes the glideslope brings you down too short of the runway, or even sometimes long after the touchdown zones.

Navigraph navdata updates tend to solve these issues. But youā€™ll have to pay for it, which may be annoying to do for most people for something that should be fixed by default.

Another side would be custom airports. Custom addon airports should have their own ILS setup which overrides the navaids from Navigraph or the default navaids. So if they have issues on the airport level, your approaches will also be off.

Either way, when I approach using ILS or RNAV, I always keep an eye on my instruments and be aware of my surroundings. If the weather is clear, itā€™s easy to judge whether the glideslope is good or if thereā€™s any issues, if thereā€™s any issues, disengage AP and take over to make the adjustments. But like I said, for me Navigraph fixed a lot of issues coming from the default navaids for default auto-gen airports. But for custom addon airports, youā€™ll be at the mercy of the airport quality.

For custom or third party airports that break the ILS (which is most of my payware sceneries) if you have Navigraph you can go to the Content.xml file and move the Navigraph entry to the bottom line of the page. This will ensure that the Navigraph data will over ride all the addon airports.

This also baffles me. I can understand someone doing a long haul flight that doesnā€™t necessarily want to deal with the tedium of handling radios, etc en route might enable Left Turn Larry for that portion of the flight. Or even taxiing at a large airport. But when I read of people who use the copilot for the entire flight from gate to gate, it makes my wonder why exactly they even bother to play this game in the first place. That just turns this into Airline Passenger Simulator.

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Lol, even on a 30 minute short hop I always set my Copilot to handle radioā€¦ I donā€™t want to bother to press the response button when Iā€™m away to grab a coffee or to watch something else in the mean time.

But hey, different people have different reasons, we just have to respect them all the same. Similar to how some people invest a lot of resources to building the best GA setup for the sim, with Yoke, rudder pedals, and fly steam gauges aircraft. But thereā€™s some people like me who doesnā€™t like touching GA aircraft and would prefer Airbus airliners. Heck I donā€™t even like touching Boeing anymore because thatā€™s just not my thing. Itā€™s all about preference and using the sim in any way we want it to.

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I agree.

I donā€™t particularly like having to acknowledge every ATC message although
I understand why a RL pilot should/must.

On a couple of flights, I was immersed into the flight trying to figure what was happening with the AP and looking at Charts and then from the ATC:
ā€œSorry, your IFR flight is cancelledā€¦ā€

I think it was a Transponder Change Request from the ATC.

After that, I set the option to have the ATC auto controlled.

Having Left Turn Larry control your radio isnā€™t a bad thing, actually. I prefer do it myself, but that I can totally understand. What I donā€™t get is folks who use it for everything from taxi, takeoff, landing, etcā€¦ I donā€™t understand what the enjoyment is just sitting and being a passenger.

But to each his own, I guess. I donā€™t have to understand it.

I agree.

I canā€™t understand what a sim pilot does on a 5 hour IFR flight.
I guess clouds are interesting to some.

But with your equipment setup, you have many things to
keep you occupied.

Of course, Iā€™m jealous. . . .

I rarely do flights that are longer than 90 mins. Typically about an hour is the longest. When Iā€™m in an IFR flight at cruise altitude, Iā€™ll typically have the forum open on one of my side monitors (like I am right now lol) or have YouTube or something going. I do my own radio work though, so I keep an eye on the sim at the same time.

Often though, Iā€™m flying VFR, so Iā€™m a little more engaged in my flight and donā€™t have time to do other stuff.

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Iā€™ve done 10 hour long haul flight before with the PMP A330-300 and livestreamed it. I start up everything as usual, then take off and once I reached cruising altitude, I make sure all systems are operational and good. Then I went to bed, leaving only the ATC radio handled by the Co-pilot assist. Then I woke up the next morning, check on my flight and Iā€™m 1 hour away from descent and approach, Have some coffee and breakfast, and as soon as the ATC instructs me to start my descent, I start my descent, setup everything for approach and do the landing myself. I think that was the longest flight Iā€™ve ever done in MSFS in real time. But I donā€™t sit around the whole time, I leave to do something else.

Sometimes I do an 8-hour long flight where I set them up all the same in the morning after I wake up, then once itā€™s reached cruising altitude, I leave to go to work. Then once Iā€™m done with work at the end of the day, itā€™s just setting up for descent, approach, and land.

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That is interesting.

Thanks for the reply.

And that right there is making good use of your co-pilot. That I can totally understand. I donā€™t do long haul flights, but if I did, Iā€™d use it i the same way.

Iā€™ve done the same. Great way to get these done unless you hop in a supersonic jet and knock em out.

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