Ils y or z?

KDTW airport has two ILS options for Rwy 04L and 22R. Y and Z on both ends. As right now i have set the ILS Z option in sdk for both ends. I tried adding manually the ILS Y but i am getting errors.
Is it even possible to set two ILS option for the same runway? If not what will it be the most common one Y or Z?

This is how it looks:

ils 4L Y

	<Ils lat="42.22868944785955" lon="-83.36449351715000" alt="195.24425130896270" heading="038.0" frequency="111.75" magvar="7.0" ident="IALA" width="5.0" name="ILS Y"/>
    <GlideSlope lat="42.22868944785955" lon="-83.36449351715000" alt="195.24425130896270" pitch="3" range="10.0N"/>
	ILS 22R Y
	<Ils lat="42.19964769197631" lon="-83.38586899536688" alt="195.54288015235215" heading="213.0" frequency="111.75" magvar="7.0" ident="IBZB" width="5.0" name="ILS Y"/>
    <GlideSlope lat="42.19964769197631" lon="-83.38586899536688" alt="195.54288015235215" pitch="3" range="10.0N"/>


Possible because the name is the same? You have in both “ILS Y”


To be more specific ,here are the crs, frq, ident infos
Rwy 4L Z - 036° 111.95 IHJT
Rwy 4L Y - 038° 111.75 IALA

Rwy 22R Z - 216° 111.95 IJKI
Rwy 22R Y - 213° 111.75 IBZB

The code i poseted is what i tried to add manualy.

In sdk i have set the rwy 4L Z and 22R Z and there in no option to add a secondary ils for both ends.
In this case the ILS Z crs and ident are not the same with ILS Y for both runways

Ill try to add the runway number to the name as well ,maybe will work, thanks