I'm Happy

I have to say I’m enjoying FS2020 immensly (a little upgrading was required). :slight_smile:. I purchased the software hoping to use my 7 year old Dell Precision (xeon processors, 16Mb ram, etc.) that I previously used for some engineering consulting before retirement. I soon found that the graphics card simply wasn’t up to the task (couldn’t even install). Turns out the best I could squeeze in was an Nvidia 1650. Once that was done I was back in business. Then I realized a keyboard and mouse was never going to work. After a stick and throtle purchase I have found my performance is just fine for my liking. I can run on the high graphics settings with no problem and have had less than 3 CTDs since the upgrade. Like I say, I’m happy!


Me too, I’ve got a brand new system, fine tuning and dealing with CTD’s and issues is part of flight simming I feel. And now that I’ve had some time to work through issues and the sims been updated a few times I can enjoy it quite a bit, especially since I used to use FSX for everything. :grimacing: (OOM CTD after a 8 hour long haul before touchdown is a miserable feeling)

This sim will be my go to during my free time for the foreseeable future. Excited for everything to come!


Another happy camper here also. I’m really enjoying my time flying in MSFS. I still return to my other sims where the current level of systems won’t support my flights but this will change over time as MSFS matures and Third Party Developers get established with their products. The future looks good.


Hopefully it does Mature and we can drop our older Sims, if we want too. I think the SDK will be the game changer.

Nice thread. Good positive, upbeat vibe.
Keep it up guys [none gender specific], It’s a refreshing tonic.


Boy, you’ve got that right. I think the developers have taken a hell of a beating the past few months. It’s time for a big high five. I think they are on a great path into the future.


I am also enjoying this so much. Once MSFS was installed, I’ve never looked back. The only problem I had seemed to have been fixed with yesterday’s update – Loading a saved flight would cause a CTD, but as of yesterday have saved and loaded many flights with no problem whatever. I’m a happy 81-year-old simmer who is amazed every time I start the sim!!


Me too. My system has more than 7 years and with some adjustments and my 1660, I got so many hours just enjoying nice views and good perfomance to me.


I’ve been having a blast as well. I’m constantly in awe while flying GA in VFR. This is the first time I’ve played an out of the box sim where the ground I see out of the window matched the sectional charts. It gives me a whole new appreciation for flight sims and I can only imagine how amazing this sim will be once the kinks are worked out. I can’t wait to see where this sim is in 1, 2, 5 years.


Dear Sir,
May I ask what Dell Precision You own.
I am happy owner of Dell T3500 upgraded to xeon x5687, 48ram, zotac gtx mini 1080, using Logitech G940 hotas, 50mbps net connection.
When flying deafult planes I am achieving aprox 25 fps in cockpit view.
Whit FBW Airbus a32nx it drops to 20 fps. Settings to Medium, flying mid detailed airports and cities.
I am interested at what fps You are playing in what planes.
Thank you

I am having a lot of fun in the sim too. I mostly fly the A320 on short routes (1-2h flight time) with the A32NX Add-On and I enjoy it so much. Sometimes I also like to discover some beautiful places with a Turboprop plane. The Cessna 208B has actually become my favourite here.

There was a time where I had a lot of CTDs but from one day to the next they suddenly disappeared. I hope it stays like that :slight_smile:

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Surprised it runs that well on that rig, nice :smiley:

I was drawn to this thread by the title. Somebody claiming that they are happy is a rare event and one that should have the moderators rushing to see what the hell is going on. We aren’t used to these sentiments on here, you know. Isnt there something, anything, that could get your hackles to rise? Maybe the absence of trains, or the lack of visible sweet wrappers from 3’000 feet?

The post actually gives me hope and indeed shows that you can enjoy yourself quietly with what we have and what we might one day get and I doff my cap to the OP. The fact that you can run MSFS on a machine that is more bleeding edge than cutting edge, is one that I can agree with. I run an old i7 2700k based machine here and it still runs better than FSX, with fewer OOMs and crashes along with a smoother performance, that requires a lower dose of the anti psychotic medication and allows me to be at peace with the World.

Don’t get complacent though. Before long you will start upgrading and finding that radio panels, autopilots and Stream decks are just too irresistible and then my friend, like so many of us here and before you realise what is happening, you will join us on the slippery Road to poverty. Enjoy!!!

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I have a GTX 1080 too and I play with high settings at 1440p. My framerates are 40-50 fps in the air and about 30 fps at airports. I think your Xeon CPU is bottlenecking your 1080 really much since it is really lacking single core performance.

Thanx. I am aware of that. I just asked SnugDad as he also has old Dell Precision, to eventuly compare perfomances on our ancient machines.
GsonzHD, do you play also on Dell precision ?

I think it’s a rare event in almost any industry. Example: I’ve been enjoying these pot noodles for the past few days. You don’t see me going to the noodle manufacturer’s forums to give them compliments. But if I opened the noodles box one day and found a cockroach in it, you will see me phoning them to complain, telling my friends and family about it and heck I might even call the local newspapers too.

The point I’m trying to make is: in reality, a huge majority of people who bought, used and are still using MSFS 2020 are extremely happy. On Steam alone, over 76 percent of users are happy and bothered to write a positive review about it. You could easily assume that more than twice of that are equally happy but didn’t write a review because they are too busy with using and enjoying the sim itself (just like I’m too busy with enjoying my noodles). :slight_smile:


Sorry but I will be away from my pc for some time so I won’t be able to add anything to what I posted above. I’ve never checked fps (don’t even know how:)). Everything I’m running is default installation (no added aircraft, scenery, etc.). Perhaps that affects performance but, as I said above, I get smooth performance with what I consider to be quite acceptable graphics.