I'm looking for a way to make Windows execute certain apps if MSFS is executed

Hi there!

I’m unbelievable lazy, so I’m wondering if there is a way to make Windows launch programs like NeoFly, VATSIM apps, and Flight Control Replay whenever i start MSFS. Any ideas?

What you’re looking for is right here a few posts down…

Another option is to just use a batch file. That’s really the simplest and requires minimal messing around. XML isn’t terribly difficult to understand, but unless you have a mind for that kind of data, it gets confusing pretty quickly.


What a time to be alive. Thank you very much!

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Create a new Windows batch file (msfs.cmd for example)

Put this in the content

start “mypath”\program1.exe
start “mypath”\program2.exe
start “mypath”\program3.exe
start “mypath”\flightsimulator.exe

“mypath” obviously being replaced with the path to the actual program you’re trying to fire off. Should have the same effect as editing the XML files if you’re not comfortable doing that.


Thank you! This post is going to help me as well. Came to the forums to do a search on this topic, and found exactly what I was looking for😊

I see that you often post helpful information and help to solve problems. Just want to say thank you very much for your contributions. Greatly appreciated!

In case it’s not clear, this was a reply to Crunchmeister71😊

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Or you can just use MSFS Addons Linker (which imo everyone should have!) which you can also add a list of programs that will start up automatically with FS.


Agree with using MSFS AddonLinker. Not only can you have it launch any app you want when it launches MSFS, but there’s no better way to manage all your mods . You can decide which mods to launch with as many presets as you want, so you’re not loading all aircraft when you’re only going to fly a certain one or loading scenery half way around the world when you don’t need it.

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