Image of xbox controller

After setting up a scenario and pressing Fly an image is shown showing an xbox controller.
I am on a pc with hotas! So why not get rid of the controller image?

Also let’s get rid of the funeral music and put something a bit more pleasing.

Topic moved to #community:general-discussion-feedback for community feedback.

You can change the theme music in Options-General.

If you would remember the childish and ridiculous cheap background fanfare the FSX sim had always blasting from the speakers until shutting off, you would adore the fine and calming main menu music of FS20 :wink:
After release I sometimes was only watching these great hangar aircraft presentation videos with this calming music for minutes.

Unfortunately you can´t do anything against these arcady controller button menus logos scattered everywhere in the main menu.
And all these main menu bugs introduced after XBox release were never fixed too (like for example “going back” in the hangar after having chosen a livery to have a closer look does not go one step back to choose a different livery, but throws one completely back into the main menu).

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