Immediate response to mouse clicks in menu's please

When i click in menu’s and popup’s it is often unclear whether MSFS received the input. It can take up to 15 seconds until anything happens, leaving me thinking “should i try again?”. The “do you really want to go back to main menu” box is a good example, but also the menu’s within Activities. Please have someting happen immediately. Windows offers something with changing mousepointers.

I have to believe you have something else going on here. I have been on the forum for a good long while and have never encountered this complaint. While the MSFS interface has some issues and some have commented that it seems sluggish at times, a 15 sec delay before getting a response suggests the mouse trap is being captured somewhere other than by the MSFS interface.

Please post your system spec and any background programs you have running. I suggest also doing a test with your community folder either emptied or renamed.

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Topic moved into #community:general-discussion-feedback for community assistance.

I agree, I have the same feeling. Take for example the bush tour menus, it feels like the app is downloading data from internet to show the menus. The response time should be zero, now it is like Windows 1.0. It happens rather often that I click several times in that validation menu shown then pressing escape, do you want to return to the main menu, it is slow, often I have to click several times without knowing if I have selected something or not.

This type of issue has been caused in the past by Citrix Workspace being installed (not even running) on the same system. I had this problem myself. After uninstalling Citrix Workspace, and restarting my system, then MSFS worked fine. I then also installed the latest version of Citrix Workspace, and the problem did NOT recur.

After clicking the bushtrip menu it takes 15 sec before the bushtrip menu is shown. Same for the “do you want to continue” when going to main menu. However, those times are not part of my wish. My wish is that immediately after i click MSFS tells me i did, e.g. through the “please wait” mouse pointer.
System specs: MSI Z170A Pro, Intel Core i7-7700, memory 16GB, NVME Samsung 970 EVO SSH8NSOR423130M, Asus RX580 Armor, Logitech MK710, LogitechM705, Saitek pro flight yoke system, Thrustmaster TFRP rudder pedals.
Programs running are Thunderbird and Bitdefender (task manager shows CPU usage 1% and memory 28% for all tasks together) and my community folder is empty.

I’m a bit shocked to actually see someone who has never noticed this issue. It’s been there as long as I can remember now with some clicks requiring 3 or more to do 1 thing after su5. Common input delay though is world map to menu. I’d like to call it input delay but the delay is so long it’s in a whole new category :slight_smile:

All menu responses are instant for me. Never had any problem with them. These kind of extended delays sound like a networking issues to me. Turn off stuff like Bitdefender, and any other ‘security’ software that has to interrogate all network traffic, and try again.


I am fairly sure it’s always been this way for me, but for the longest time I get a “slight” delay on the world map and menu screens, but it was never something enough to be a real concern or hindrance to me.
Also same with atc commands, sometimes there’s a slight delay or no register when I click a command but the 2nd time works fine.

If I could change anything, it’d be the ability to hit right click on the search bar and paste. I’ve never been able to paste via the mouse. I have to left click on the search bar and then control v.

I assume it’s like that for everyone.

If my hunch that it’s a networking issue is true, you would be able to test it by turning off azure voices for ATC in options. My guess is that the delay when hitting ATC commands is that the game has to get the voice data from the azure cloud, so if you have network issues then that can totally fail or take an extended time. Turning off azure voices is not a nice solution but it’s a good test.

Do yourself a favor, and reboot your modem/router simply to rule it out as the cause too. For whatever reason some modems can get laggy if they have been active for a long time, especially older ones.

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