Implement weather and terrain API’s for aircraft developers to implement accurate radar, predictive windshear, EGPWS, and METAR/wind uplink

Everyone knows it’s not fit for purpose. Developers need data, not image. Every system is different. Every plane is different and people want realism. Why is it this so hard to understand by Asobo. This is ridiculous.



According to Asobo, the APIs are “fixed.” That means no WXR for 3rd party airplanes. Well, we’ve tried… LOL.


I was really hoping with it originally saying SU10+ the stuff they added to SU10 wasn’t the end of it. But it appears I was wrong with them marking it as “Fixed” now.

I really hope we can get devs and ourselves pushing them to implement what we need or provide a full detailed on answer on why it is not possible (if it isn’t possible to do) because of licencing or an agreement with the weather provider they use.

Please don’t leave us in the dark (Microsoft/Asobo) on this.


Is this a joke? “Fixed” what?


Please Asobo, this can’t be it. This api is needed badly for proper weather radar development of 3rd parties. We are talking about reading the data, not manipulating it. The opening post says it all, really.


To further enhance the terrific aircraft and systems coming to the sim, the need for the likes of PMDG, Fenix and other’s need this Api issue solved so as to give a realistic weather radar in their respective aircraft.

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Now a days, Asobo seems to have started marking topics as Fixed or Completed without really doing so. Apparently, this thread was also marked as complete whereas I don’t see any difference


Asobo, thanks for doing nothing that we actually need for wx radar.


This is not fixed at all. Please reconsider implemet a workable api for 3rd party devs. Otherwise open the sim for active sky or other devs to implement a decent weather program with api


Come on MS/Asobo this really isn’t fixed unless something has happened we’re not aware of.

If Asobo incorrectly thinks this is fixed, then perhaps we need to start a new thread asking for the fix to be made usable and upvote it until it’s top of their list again. That, and ask them about it over and over in EVERY Q&A until it is back on their radar, pun intended.


This is marked as “Fixed” as well, even though it absolutely is not.


I don’t understand where the problem is … we all bought fs 2020 … without that, we wouldn’t have been able to use pmdg, fenix, ect … we’re not talking about competition here, I don’t think if Asobo provided the API to pmdg, fenix, ect. they make a new simulator that does unfair competition, I remember that with fbw it worked … then it was removed … why?

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Maybe it could mean risking a security breach by keeping a door open on those servers. I’m no expert though!

neither am I …
I have always been loyal to flightsimulator since the days of fs98 …
I have never seen all these problems …
When fs 2020 (excellent graphics) came out they said that the rtx 2080 as a graphics card was the optimal set-up, it turned out that many people couldn’t fly with that graphic card, so we all upgraded our PCs by spending thousands of euros or dollars. … we also waited for su1-su10 updates, which improved things but also worsened “su9” not to mention that we also bought third party aircraft to enrich the simulator and flight experience with 90% of the cockpit working. Arrived at su10 (long awaited) that had to fix things, they say that the weather radar is fixed (so I read in some posts here) …
Because Asobo does not make an official statement on all the problems that are unable (due to problems with license agreements) to solve them, so you stop waiting for su11, su12, su13, su …
They already have the money when we bought fs2020 …
By doing so they let us decide whether to wait indefinitely or even change the simulator …

After my outburst … I did some research on the official site of fs 2020 the weather radar and directx 12 appear as “su10 +”
can anyone explain to me what “su10 +” means?
is there still hope?

It means partial release in SUX, with improvements/fixes/extra features being released in future sim updates. e.g. DirectX12 is going to be improved in future sim updates.

So yes, there is still hope. We will have to wait for SUXI in November and see what it brings!

There is actually no hope anymore. It was SU10+ or Several Releases before, now its marked as “Fixed” which means they think current version is enough.

I really wish we can have some development and more transparent updates on the WX radar front. That is undoubtedly the functionality that simmers in MSFS are most eagerly waiting for, and also the one that shows as the most lacking and gaping area. Once that is done, we’ll actually be able to have a 100% complete experience of the amazing airliners which keep so many people hooked to our sim.

Eric from Asobo said this in regards to the weather API: „I think we said quite early that we would not allow custom weather systems. We know that the Weather Radar Map API is not enough for some people - but please note that it is for others - and we may work on it again in the future.“

Well, that‘s that then.

Source: Define additional virtual "cameras" which can be rendered to a gauge, for aircraft which use cameras in real life (e.g. A380/A350 taxi and tail camera) - MSFS DevSupport