Implement weather and terrain API’s for aircraft developers to implement accurate radar, predictive windshear, EGPWS, and METAR/wind uplink

please release the full WXR to 3rd parties


Please don’t let this die, this is really important for any kind of real life flying


We’ll see whether they follow up on this next year, like they said in that Q&A


Voted. Need a working radar badly.


I’m sure Asobo want to give the WX radar to us as soon as possible, but just adding my voice to the chorus! It’s one of the only major things I find is missing currently from the sim!


this thread needs more support tbh

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Not much more support to give. We’re waiting for Jorg to inform us about Asobo’s meeting with Meteoblue which is supposedly due somewhen during January.


Where did you see that it will be during January?

In the last dev Q&A I believe, Jorg said they’ll be contacting Meteoblue about snow coverage data and other weather related issues.


this need to have a high priority


Well they did say that, but they never said it will be in January i think. He only said next year (either beginning or early next year don’t remember exact phrase used).

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You’re right, my bad! Don’t know why I thought about January. Jorg said early next year (2023) so we’ll see.

Any more news on this? Really need to wxr radar API


If it’s a licensing issue (which I assume it is), why not make it available as a subscription in the marketplace? I would happily pay for the data if it meant a fully working WX radar.

I got a general answer from a moderator on here. Supposedly, Asobo was going to have talks with MB in January about their contract and API access. No word on what happened with that. Per the mod, they said that perhaps MB wanted more money than was feasible but that nothing CERTAIN was ever decided and that it’s still up in the air as to what will happen in the future regarding this topic. So, for now it looks like the best temporary fix is to just use Asobo based aircraft which DO have WXR functionality. Just not in the depth that we want it, I suppose? I just enjoyed using it on the 787 recently for a number of trips but unfortunately the 737 is still my plane of choice.

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As time drags on, two and half years after release, it becomes more and more clear that whatever contract Asobo has signed with Meteo Blue is simply not good enough for an accurate and realistic weather simulation in MSFS.
Now Asobo says they want to fix it. Fine, then fix it! But after so many years we see that various weather related topics are still implemented at rubbish level only.

So I think we are at a point where Asobo needs to decide what they want to do:
Either throw all your attention and weight to it and renegotiate and fix ALL issues.
Cancel the ■■■■ contract with MB and open up all weather APIs to 3rd party developers.

Honestly, I’m fine with either. But Asobo needs to take the matter seriously, decide and go for it, now. There’s no excuse after years of neglect. Solve it, either way!


OMG I want weather radar so much. I hope they are able to work it out. The opening post of FBW sums it up perfectly. These guys are serious.

Any recent news about realistic weather radar platform for 3rd party plane makers ?

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Not happening anytime soon but not out of the question.


Really sad to fly with PMDG’ish highly complex airliners w/out proper/any weather radar. I hope they tstill have some progress with meteoblue behind the curtain.

Kind regards.