Imported Simbrief Flightplan is Incomplete

When I import a Simbrief Flightplan into FS2020, the FMC only shows the first leg, then nothing. The inflight map also confirms this. When I created the plan, I had a departure and destination. The FMC Fltpln page shows them both but missing most legs. If I create the same plan in the Wortld Map it works correctly.
This is in the CJ4 jet

you have to manually input the departure and arrival procedures pretty much all the time.

I still am having no luck with the WT CJ4 Flightplan activation. Here is what I’m doing:

Create flightplan in LNM, including SID, STAR.
Export it as FS2020 PLN.
Load it into the world map. It looks correct.

When I look at the FMC FPLN page it shows the Dep an d Arr airports correctly.

When I take off I activate Nav and it shows it as active on the PFD. When I get to my 1st waypoint (SID?), the plane continues straight instead of turning to the next waypouint. The PFD still shows LNav but it is not following the LNM plan. The LEGS page of the FMC shows a Discontinuity before the next waypoint. Why? Also, the last page of LEGS does not show the arricval runway!

Do I have to manually fly to the next waypoint and, if I do, will the plane then pick up the flightplan and follow it? Since there is no discontinuity in the World Map plan, why is it there in the FMC?

Can I get rid of the discontinutiy? Would that solve the issue?

Last question- do I need to manually input ILS frequency even though that runway was selected when I created the plan?

Lots of questions. I really appreciate any help. I’ve flown countless plans in G3000 etc. planes without issues.

Have you tried to delete the discontinuity with the CLR button?

I found a video that showed how to get rid of that discontinuity but I still cannot get the plane to follow the flight plan. Is there something that I have to do with the FMC besides the fact that I loaded the plan into the world map? It was never an issue with the Garmin GPS units in other planes but I realize an FMC is different.

The topic title suggest that you are doing a flight plan on Siembrief then you show some pics made from LNM . The point is that,as suggested by TEEzyThaKiDD , you must imput Sid and Star into the FMC .The fact that it shows Dep and Arr airports is not enough. What really matter is what the FMC shows not what you have done on Simbrief or LNM.
Then you must remove the “Discontinuities”.Sometime there are more then 1 in a fplan,
On your first pic I don’t see the leg from the runway and the waypoint where the magenta leg begins…

With ref to the ILS question…some aircraft get the ILS freq loaded when near the arrival airport…I always double check if the freq is filledin and,if not, I do it manually

Yes, I know I switched angles a bit… I tried LNM to see if that worked better for me. I actually like it better than Simbrief.

I will try creating and loading a plan withouit a SID and STAR to confirm what you suggest. If so, I will try manually inputing the SID and STAR after the flightplan has loaded if.

Just to be clear, with the CJ4, I don’t have to import anything into the FMC, just add the SID and STAR? I had read somewhere about using IDX/ROUTE, etc.

You can continue to import the flight plan made with Simbrief including Sid and Stars.The problem is that when you import it most of the time the FMC won’t be loaded with the Sid and Stars.If I am not wrong this is due to the fact that the free Simbrief flight planner uses outdated Airacs (unless you have a Navigraph subscription) that don’t match with the sim ones.So,you have to add them in manually. If you do that than the flightplan should work fine but it would be different to what is shown in the worldmap unfortunally…and the ATC (if you use it) will be sinked to the worldmap fplan not to the FMC fplan…You should do some trials and see. Cheers

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Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense.

Following up on my trials of using LNM plans with the WT CJ4-
I found that, although the plan was followed, after aquiring the localizer the plane did not pick up the glide scope (no glidescope indication in the PFD and APR would not activate) unless I went into the Arrival page of the FMC and chose the runway approach, even thouigh the FMC TUN page showed the correct frequency. I am not sure why that is as I would expect that once it’s tuned it should respond, but I am apparently still learning about all of this
Also, I had to add the parking/gate to the departure in the World Map manually. LNM did not transfer that over.