Impossible to remove the PHOTOGRAMMETRY DISABLED warning. And the buttons are not where they should be

Hello, I have had some problems I think it was after update 12.

1st: the buttons of the planes are outdated, they don’t know where the button really is, it’s so much that when there are 2 buttons together I don’t press the one on the side, but in my camera I’m pressing the correct one.

2nd: when I am in the “COCKPIT FREELOOK” mode and there is a connection problem and it says “PHOTOGRAMMETRY IS DISABLED” It is impossible to put “accept”, because the cursor is not there, and you can’t get it out because you don’t put “accept” You can’t put pause, the only way out is to remove the game and lose your 3 hours of flight.

I read that you have to move mods out of the community folder before installing an update but I didn’t, is there a way to do it now?

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Have you turned Lens Correction on? If so turn it off


Yes, this fixed my first problem! Thanks.