Impressive places for VR

Hello. I want to impress my brother-in-law with the FS2020 VR experience, as he used to be a flight-simmer many years ago. I did establish a flight from Monument Valley to Grand Canyon (UT25 - KPGA).

Any recommendations for the perfect environment? Maybe including some water.

Thanks and regards

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Aleutian Islands in Alaska. Low sun, snow, weather, ice pack/bergs and volcanos. Island hop for water. Feels great in VR too. :ok_hand:


I’m definitely going to have to check that out now, great suggestion!

To the OP: I think anywhere along a rugged mountain chain like the Rockies or Sierras in western USA looks pretty amazing. Dial up the snow depth a bit to put some winter snow on them and it’s a really lovely view :slight_smile:

LOWI (Innsbruck) to Zurich blew my mind yesterday. Great textures flying through those alpine valleys.


Anywhere above a thick cloud layer.

Take off from Interlaken and head south up the Lauterbrunen (sp?) valley up to the Eiger, Jungfrau etc. is my favourite place to show off the sim :grin:

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Honolulu is a great area to show off, it has it all, mountain ranges close-by and in the distance, lots of water (even some shallow water masking applied), several highways and a city with some tall buildings. I would show it off using the ‘scattered clouds’ weather theme as it applies some dramatic shadows over the landscape and water. This should be experienced both at daytime as well as at dusk or dawn.

I personally also like GCLP (Gran Canaria Las Palmas), it’s an island so there is also a lot of water and mountains, plenty of detail on the ground and a large city towards the north (Las Palmas). It looks really realistic, just like the real area. You can fly to Tenerife a neighboring island to the west, which is also really beautiful.

If you want to show a nice photogrammetry area, show Naples. Lots of things to explore there and the scenery is gorgeous with the Vesuvius volcano in the background. One of my favorite locations in the sim actually.

And of course don’t forget Manhattan :slight_smile:


Idaho!!! I just spent two hours last night blasting down Johnson Creek. Start at 3U2 (add on available if you want it,) and fly north or south along the river. You’ll find a number of small strips to set down in. I flew to a small field about 20 miles north and then set the weather to “snow,” and scared the heck out of myself trying to navigate back down the river through iced over windows. What a cool experience.

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This post made me realize that I’ve done almost zero flying in Europe, because I lean towards always using live time and weather. Thanks for the tips!!!

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I did a CUB flight all around Phoenix yesterday AND all over Oahu! Although I’m in a RIFT with SDE, it’s really immersive.

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Do you have the GotGravel Savage Carbon and the Savage Grravel? They are the most fun I’ve had in VR so far. The latter has massive wheels and can climb at 4000fpm and land at 30kts. It’s my best friend.

(Both free downloads on your favorite MSFS mods site. I don’t know if we’re allowed to link here but I got them on


Agreed. Just spent four hours with the Grravel in the Swiss Alps, English Lake District and Aleutian Islands, Alaska under VR. Best afternoon’s flying ever :grin:

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Was going to head up to the Aleutians. Any suggested base of operations?

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Cold Bay (PACD) and head from there south and west along the island chain. I spent about three days flying it early on in MSFS days but going to fly it again now with VR/HOTAS :slight_smile:


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