Improve Tobii Eye Tracking: Add support for Camera Boost

I only ever use my Tobii 5 with “opentrack”, which is far more configurable, and eliminates 99% of that random zooming about that 2020 Tobii support has.

I have this as part of a startup script for 2024.

cmd /c start D:\SPAD.neXt\SPAD.neXt.exe
cmd /c start D:\opentrack\opentrack.exe
schtasks /Run /tn "MSFS\Disable Windows Update services"
cmd /c start D:\HiFi\AS_FS\AS_FS.exe
cmd /c C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\MSFS Stuff\2024.bat"

“2024.bat” is just:

cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App "-FastLaunch"

I disable Windows Update Services on launch as I’ve had it crash 2020 when a Windows Cumulative Update was being installed.