Improve World Map label spacing to avoid covering chosen airports

Please offset airport labels on World Map, so that selected departure and destination airports remain visible, not covered by their labels.

When you select a Departure and/or Destination airport on the World Map, the labels cover the airport details almost entirely, especially when you are trying to choose a parking spot, or view the SID, STAR or Approach vectors.

It would be a much better experience if the label was offset and dynamically spaced away from the airport (perhaps float intelligently based on view, with an indicating line instead) so that it doesn’t cover the details you are trying to see. Currently you have to zoom in way too far to find parking spaces not covered by the label - but if you zoom out again to view the whole airport, the label covers much of it again.

Thank you for writing this up… it’s really been buggin’ me!

I would like to refresh this request too, there are a collection of requests to improve the UI of the World Map. I hope that the Forum Moderators can / will pull the related requests together for the developers, so that they can look at them in context of each other for a better World Map UI experience.


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Just found this topic. I wholegeartedly agree and voted. Labels blocking my departure/arrival location is incredibly annoying.