Improved CPU usage with SU5

at first I want to say that I am very happy with my performance and smoothness comes before FPS for me.
I was already happy before the SU5 and still noticed significant improvement, even though it comes at the cost of popping in objects when turning head, which is quite an issue especially in VR ( maybe ASOBO can adjust the FOV - or even make it a slider in the setting - at which objects get re-rendered).

But when the Update was announced and even in the release note, it was said that there was big improvement on the workload distribution for the CPU and that this was one of the sources for the improved performance.

Now I checked my CPU and didnt any change at all.
There is still one thread running at 100% while all orher threads being used by only 1Ăź% to 20%, with an overall CPU usage of less than 30 %.

Yet still I am “Limited by mainthread” and on some occasion this is still causing stutters.

Did I miss something, is there a system setting I have to adjust?
Or was I simply expecting to much from the announced “CPU optimization” ?

My System:
i5-10600K at 4,9 GHz all cores
RTX 3090
32 RAM
1 TB M.2 SSD

From my understanding, regardless of any improvements, you are always going to be limited by “one thread that rules them all”.

This was my understanding too, and I dont mind that much that one thread is at 100%, I mind that the other threads are not! :slight_smile:

When you look at Minute 5:02 of the Twitch Q&A where Seb was presenting the improvement, you can see he is running at 100% on all cores, sao utilising the hardware much more efficiently than my machine.

So I wonder, if they made a step back from what was presented during Q&A or if I have my system not optimized without knowing. So it is about the very uneven distribution of workload between Threads.
Atroun 7:00 he is showing Sim Update 5 and you can see, how his mainthread get significantly below 100% load with all other threads utilized evenly, while I have 100% on one thread and hardly any utilization of the other threads…

here the link to the Q&A I refer to:

All I can say so far with SU5 is that when I checked my CPU core usage on task manager, I had core one at 100% and the other five were running at above 90%, or so it seemed to me. GPU was at 80% or even more. Very different from before the upgrade.

Ryzen 5600X
Radeon 6800XT
32GB ram

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I’ve opened the forum just to ask the same question! Same situation as before about CPU usage, which I find odd for the same reasons as op.
Besides, the overall SU5 improvement is terrific. Finally, what you would expect from an update.

Have you tried this perhaps? It helped me get out of the limited by mainthread before SU5. Maybe it still relevant now for you.

Thnak YOu for the heads-up.
Deactivated Virtualization in BIOS and fired up the sim once more.

As you can see, without any effect on the CPU utilization.
Thread 11 is still constantly at 100% and all the other cores / threads somewhere around 20% ending up at an overall CPU utilization of less than 30%.

my last test will be with deactivating hyperthreading, but even if that works I would be unhappy as from all the announced changes for SU5 this was the only one I really cared about and got very hyped when I saw the Q&A Videa suggesting all cores will see very balanced utilization.

As you can see I am not struggling with low FPS. But having one core sitting at 100% results in stutters every time there is some extra work for the CPU to do. SO having some headroom on each core would be nice and I expected this without any Tricks or Tweaking but out-of-the-box…

Alright, “HT off” does increase the overall utilisation of the CPU to almost 60%, but still gives a stable 100% load to one core, making the sim vulnerable for stutters…

Would really like to know how Seb achieved it in his demo-video or if they just rolled out a different release than he demonstrated it on.

But your FPS counter is already showing green all around. Compared to your first screenshots which shows red. Surely that’s the best that you can do.

I think since you’re already hitting over 60 FPS, I would say that’s a successful configuration. Just configure for a stutter free experience.

Yes, as I wrote earlier, I am overall happy with my performance.
The last issue I experience, and this is the same in low end and ultra settings: from time to time I get stutters.
And the only conclusion I can think of is, that this is for a new task that is scheduled for the mainthread but as this is allready fully utilised, the sim stutters.

If my whole CPU would be busy I could accept it.
And of course I would even accept it if there wouldn’t be this Developers Q&A Video where Seb is showing an even weaker CPU with Ultra settings getting a lot of load off the mainthread, getting a load of ~70% giving exactly the sort of headroom to avoid stutters.

And now I want to know if it is just me who is still running constant 100% on one thread/core and others have the same experience as in the Q&A Video and as promised for SU 5, or are we all still seeing 100% constant load on 1 core.

They just turned the visuals down that’s all

I also saw that, and I still cant understand how that works on his system. For real, a game that uses all cores 100%? and we have the opposite of that? Maybe they should use a stock market high frequency trading CPU for the next demonstration, if its that consuming in an optimized state.

I run 10 cores at 4,8 Ghz, but i have active core count 2, with CPU usage 15-30%

I’m happy about the performance increase. Before the update I was averaging between 30 and 45 fps on medium settings. Now I run everything on ultra 4k and average between 48 and 60 fps. At cruise alt I get a solid 60fps. My specs:
i9 10850k
64gb ram
Rtx 3080

I’m currently considering buying a monitor supporting g-sync. Anyone here who has experience with g-sync?

again, this isnt about general performance. This one definitely improved significantly when it comes to FPS.

This is about an even utilisation of CPU cores as demonstrated and announced prior release of SU 4.

Even with FPS 120 you can have stutters and pauses when a core is fully utilized and further tasks are waiting for their turn to be processed while other cores are only utilized by maybe 20%.

This was an issuue since release of MSFS and was announced to be solved with this update and shown to us in a video (linked above) on a rather standard CPU (i7-7700K if I remeber well?).

So unitl we achive what was announced, even the best hardware can and will experience pauses and stutters even on lower settings.

That video was showing 4K with render scaling at 40% I think. That’s why the FPS is smooth.

But it is not about smoothness. In the video.

It is about CPU usage and that his Mainthread os no longer constantly under 100% load.

I am at 100% 1080p, so about the same as 40% 4K.

Can you please just open the task manager akd check your PCU loads next time you are flying?
All I need to know if it is just me still having 100% on one core…

I can do that the next time I’m flying… I don’t know when that would be though. I also never really need to overthink about utilisation. As long as it’s smooth and I fly just fine, I don’t overthink it.

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I wouldn’t overthink either if I wouldn’t have occasional stutters with else great performance and bearly utilised hardware.

I am experiencing the same thing regarding CPU usage. No difference with new patch… one core still stuck at 100% while the others are significantly lower. The fps has not improved much either

My System:
MSI GeForce RTX 3080
Intel i9-10850K

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Do we need to review the HyperThreading setting in the Bios again? I think disabling this was a workaround before the SU5, I wonder if we need to re-enable this again after the patch.