In 2024 the 2020 scenery changed to NOT INSTALLED

Since today my FS2020 content sceneries wich were listed as STREAMED and worked well in 2024, now appear as NOT INSTALLED. 2024 scenery is OK. Also 2020 aircraft is OK. I have not changed anything since yesterday. I remember that in FS2020 we had to delete the content.xml but I can’t find something like that was. Is it only me? Thank’s for help.

they have disabled all 2020 sceneries temporarily,
so that people that were still locked out of the sim can get in at last
its temporary


Perhaps a learning point for Asobo and Microsoft here? Dont take all control away from the end user. Let us control what content to load and not.

I have several airports from 2020 that worked perfectly fine, but now i can’t use any of them since you decided i can’t?

@AtriusLUL , I agree with your point. Based on the 27 November post, the following fix is coming: “As part of the patch planned for the week of Dec 9th, we will add the ability for users to disable/enable content on their own.” So that should solve this problem.